(59 replies, posted in Atari)

So, I tried to make a version that uses one controller port. Haven't got it to work yet. sad

At any rate, the next version will feature audio input --> TIA streaming (but hey keep in mind its only four bits) as well as editable custom waves.


(28 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i think u meme amen brk


(28 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Hopefully this week very soon.

GenMDMs and work are taking up timez.


(28 replies, posted in General Discussion)

So I got that thing working fine when I made it, but people are having trouble sad

I'm sorry guys. I'll have a look at this when I get the chance.

<----- little-fail


haha yeach the DIN 5 connector adds a certain chunkiness smile

It'll be worth it though. I'm happy with the new boards, and I hope that you guys are too.

I've found that the extra MIDI components and parts slow me down a little.

I'll keep you all posted in this thread in terms of progress!

Hello all!

Production on batch 2 has finally started. I made 15 of the interfaces today, and this will continue into tomorrow.

Hi all!

Here is quick modification on powering GenMDM version 1 PCBs using the SEGA console itself: http://little-scale.blogspot.com.au/201 … -sega.html


(26 replies, posted in General Discussion)

chunter, i would argue that going to school exposes you to things that "practice, gear, and google searches" wouldn't *necessarily* expose you to because one is stuck inside one's own head and only follows up on things one knows about in some way - that is to say, you don't know what you don't know.

What is LPB?

Agreed RE MIDI timing being of a lower resolution AND also potentially prone to more issues than a playback routine.

It sounds like you are asking about time-based resolution for music data events.

VGM file normat support sample-accurate data logging for sound chips (which includes the NES) - I am assuming .NSF is the same though I don't know the format at all.

As a result, the timing resolution for music data is much higher than your perception of music events in terms of real time playback - and could thus capture any imperfections from things like solos and so on.

The limits that you describe are limits of the platforms that are used to write the music - not of the NES itself.


(104 replies, posted in Releases)

dayum chip


(104 replies, posted in Releases)
