Signed up for it. Might as well do it. Do any of you post blogs on there?
49 Jan 23, 2013 2:47 am
Re: RPM Challenge 2013 (15 replies, posted in General Discussion)
50 Jan 22, 2013 8:10 pm
Re: My first go at Nintendocore. Any suggestions would be awesome! (17 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)
I may just be a dick here, but I like this because it sounds like you're not taking yourself quite so seriously as many other screamo or thrash bands do (that section in "She Took an Arrow to the Knee or the "It's taking control" part in Mr. Brightside, for instance). It's a bit rough around the edges, so I reiterate what bitman said. Other than that, keep up the good instrumentals and lyrics, and this could turn out great.
51 Jan 19, 2013 8:22 pm
Re: Bandcamp Fan pages: post a link to yours (44 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I forgot to post mine during the private beta
52 Jan 14, 2013 5:30 pm
Re: Delivering tension past the 2 minute mark! (15 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)
Honestly, I like the song as is. Maybe you could extend the ending, solo the melody, then fade out. There's a bunch you could do to "liven up" this song, but I think it works well as it is right now.
53 Jan 13, 2013 10:35 pm
Re: 1-15 (online) Danimal Cannon and Zef album listening party (20 replies, posted in Past Events)
I'll be there with a bucket for when i drool and cry tears of joy.
54 Jan 13, 2013 7:39 pm
Re: 1-15 (online) Danimal Cannon and Zef album listening party (20 replies, posted in Past Events)
Also, BTW no guitar on the album unfortunately, but we rocked the chips hard, no worries there.
Any chance of guitar tracks or "live" versions being released?
55 Nov 9, 2012 10:56 pm
Re: . (14 replies, posted in Collaborations)
cant remember if we did v.2 or not?
I think a second vol. was about to start but it never got off the ground.
56 Nov 9, 2012 10:35 pm
Re: Random musings on a train: Europe, Blip, community, the future (148 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Also: if you dont like thinned skin people, dont hang out in a scene full of teenagers, pervo.
Or kids who were probably the nerdy/bullied kids in school and are now grown-ups with internet fame (that's not an insult). Or teenagers.
57 Nov 6, 2012 3:05 am
Re: 2 x LSDJ vs 1 x LSDJ (134 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
huge paragraph where i reveal my own biased opinion that wailord is not going to read for the life of him.
tl;dr: One of the internet's most terrible side-effects.
I assume you mean audio drivers for the DMG? How hard would this be for someone who has absolutely no knowledge of coding? And what might be accomplished with new audio drivers?
(Forgive me if this is an ignorant question, I was a liberal arts major with a focus on literature and writing. I make my living writing and editing, and do not know much about software/coding/etc. But I'd be willing to learn.)
First, yay English!
Second, I'm actually interested to know what 4mat meant as well. If it weren't too much trouble, that side of music production does interest me and I'd be willing to put in the time to learn some simple coding to create a new music tool.
58 Nov 6, 2012 1:45 am
Re: Invisible Robot Hands: You Keep Worrying and Die at the End (5 replies, posted in Releases)
Sweet! Great release.
59 Nov 5, 2012 10:09 pm
Re: 2 x LSDJ vs 1 x LSDJ (134 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
They don't seem to be so worried about receiving praise for crossing the Atlantic on a toothpick.
The only thing you can do is try to beat them, or join them, or just go on with your art and nuts to the rest.
Couldn't have said it better myself if I tried.
60 Nov 5, 2012 7:35 pm
Re: 2 x LSDJ vs 1 x LSDJ (134 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
So, in for a penny in for a pound, why use just x2 LSDJ? No-one else did. I feel the solo guitar instrument isn't valid. I'd compare it more to a full band, then adding another full band over the top. If you have six guitarists on stage, you either must be a member of Minus the Bear, or have a bloody good reason. Then you tell four of the guitarists that they can only use a very basic effects pedal, with very simple tone. And tell the two bassists that sometimes they may be a drummer and may need to occasionally shout "BRK", "ASS" and "TITTIES". You really have to ask yourself what it's bringing to the table.
Isn't that what you're already doing with 1xLSDJ? You're telling two guitarists that they can only use basic effects pedal(s), your bassist that (etc., etc.). I get where you're coming from, but that metaphor doesn't really hold water.
I view 2xLSDJ in the same way I viewed linking together GBs to trade Pokemon: you get more out of the "game" than if you had only one. Granted, you could also cheat with it, but it definitely allows you more leeway with the instrument. Similar to guitar pedals augmenting a guitar's sound, 2xLSDJ can help you augment your sound. And that works whether you consider yourself a musician or a composer.
Many modern composers use synths, live rock bands, guitars, etc., etc. That's really a perspective thing so I can't argue it, but I still view 2x/3xLSDJ as an augmentation not a degredation of 1xLSDJ.
61 Nov 5, 2012 5:10 am
Re: Random musings on a train: Europe, Blip, community, the future (148 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Not everyone can or should push boundaries, but not everyone can or should sell to the masses. Thinking there isn't a place for one or the other goes against Lazerbeat's last bullet point- (not) bickering about what (chip)music is.
Yeah, that's what I was trying to get across. It's not worth it to try and force everyone to progress toward whatever someone wants to define chipmusic as. It's better to let it evolve on it's own (not to be confused with leaving it entirely alone, as you need some active, boundary-pushing artists in order for a given art form to evolve and flourish).
62 Nov 5, 2012 3:49 am
Re: Invisible Robot Hands: You Keep Worrying and Die at the End (5 replies, posted in Releases)
Still not working.
63 Nov 5, 2012 3:43 am
Re: Random musings on a train: Europe, Blip, community, the future (148 replies, posted in General Discussion)
act like someone a policeman would call punk.
Why? Why can't you be original without resorting to being an asshole? (Not you you, I mean you as in anyone and everyone). You can be original without being a confrontational, "edgy," or pompous, avant-garde artiste.
You do realize people trying to sound "edgy" and acting like punks doesn't at all make you original, right? That's the mentally that spawned post-modernism. You know, the "incestual, solipsist, automated backpatting machine" that is the modern art world? It revolves around "attack[ing]...other genres, [or] genre itself." It tries to break definition. In fact, postmodernists (or "punks" as you would call them) would argue that genres, definitions, essence, etc. don't exist to being with. They believe that any attempt to place distinctions upon art is just a facade put by society upon whatever is being divided or labeled.
You see how stupid that gets? You get so much non-relatable, inter- or anti-genre bullshit out of it. Granted, that does push boundaries and good art does come out of the slurry of bullshit surrounding that aesthetic, but my point stands. Why do you need to be so antagonistic in your originality? You seem to lose sight of all of the great genre-bending or *GASP* in-genre originality and creativity. You're co focused on bashing the artists who just joined the scene and tend toward "EDM" or those who have been in the scene and either were already "EDM" or those who moved toward that broad 'genre' of electronic music.
Basically, what I'm trying to say is you seem to ignore the good art in the scene and instead focus on fighting definitions and trying to be a badass. You're on a chipmusic forum. You're not a badass or a punk or any better than any of the other artists who don't fit into your standards. Now, the great part about that last bit is that you can keep on doing what you want to, preaching those dead "punk" ideals and making great, genre-less music (because is is really good in my opinion). I just ask you don't insult everyone who doesn't fit your definition of "good," because it honestly doesn't make any sense (to me).
64 Nov 5, 2012 1:00 am
Re: Invisible Robot Hands: You Keep Worrying and Die at the End (5 replies, posted in Releases)
Did you rename your bandcamp page? I can access it anymore.