I will down load this in a couple of hours and give it a spin, Blargg you RULE!
1,761 Jul 15, 2010 12:12 am
Re: Lightwall: Concept for VJ oriented NES rom (353 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
1,762 Jul 13, 2010 11:47 pm
Re: Lightwall: Concept for VJ oriented NES rom (353 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Yes, this is all to be used however you like. Lazerbeat, give me an idea of how you'd be using it. Do you want to be able to select a particular pattern? Select a particular transition effect? Describe how you might actually be using it in a show, e.g. playing some music, and you want a particular pattern, or whatever. Use cases so I can have something concrete. I have no idea how this stuff is used. Thanks.
Thanks very much for looking into this Blargg. I would like to use it in a way fairly similar to neil's litewall 5 with maybe an added feature or two. So something like
- speed up/slowdown animation
- switch pattern
With a couple of extra features such as for example
- change background color from black to white then white to black
- pause animation
- black out or white out the screen
But I don't know how hard any of the above would be from a programming point of view.
Once again thanks sooooo much to both yourself and neil for working on this!
1,763 Jul 13, 2010 3:42 am
Re: CHEAPBEATS - 17th July - Tokyo, Japan (19 replies, posted in Past Events)
Heh, Sorry, I mean't an address for the Stream but thanks iLKke!
1,764 Jul 13, 2010 2:52 am
Re: Lightwall: Concept for VJ oriented NES rom (353 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
This is really really impressive. I am going to use this in a show on Saturday if thats ok? Is there any chance a little user interactivity could be added by then?
Eirtherway it is a BADASS bit of code and I will try and take a video or two!
1,765 Jul 12, 2010 6:12 am
Re: CHEAPBEATS - 17th July - Tokyo, Japan (19 replies, posted in Past Events)
Do we have an address just yet?
1,766 Jul 12, 2010 4:47 am
Re: CHEAPBEATS - 17th July - Tokyo, Japan (19 replies, posted in Past Events)
Also most excited about this. I think we will be streaming right?
1,767 Jul 3, 2010 10:49 pm
Re: UPDATE: ANSI MIDIo visualizer kit : new video and release info (22 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Swee! A new vblank kit is always good news.
1,768 Jul 3, 2010 3:47 pm
Re: These should be sold at Blip Festival, Pulsewave and 8static! (33 replies, posted in General Discussion)
For the niche fans,
1,769 Jul 3, 2010 3:40 pm
Re: 16 Step PWM in LSDJ (24 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Glad you are all having fun with it and thanks for all the kind words. Would love to know if anyone has any tunes up using this technique?
1,770 Jul 3, 2010 1:47 pm
Re: NTRQ V1.6 (21 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
I just ordered a cart from Retro USB, will be joining the NTRQ fun soon.
1,771 Jul 3, 2010 1:54 am
Topic: Call for advice - Recording Live Shows (10 replies, posted in Audio Production)
My friends and I have a lil show coming up with 7 or 8 artists and I was hoping to record some of the sets. I will probably be recording in smallish 40 - 100 capacity clubs and I would very much like a little advice on hardware and best practices.
I would really like to get crowd noise on the recordings and have the recordings be as high quality as possible.
I have been thinking about the Zoom H2 which I think Nullsleep used for his last tour.
Any pros and cons? Any alternatives?
Where is the optimum location to have the recorder positioned? Any advice for recording well?
Would it also be a good idea to get a line out from the main mixer and then mix the two sources together?
1,772 Jul 1, 2010 8:03 am
Re: 4mat - Decades (53 replies, posted in Releases)
Forgive me for being a bit clueless about online music vendors but is there one which is more beneficial to the artist over the others? Also does one offer better bitrates/less drm than any other?
Been waiting for this for ages and would like to enjoy it in the highest quality/least drmy/most 4mat supporting way possible
1,773 Jun 29, 2010 3:58 pm
Topic: 16 Step PWM in LSDJ (24 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
I kind of stumbled across a pretty neat way to get some rather groovy Pulse Width Modulation in the WAV channel which I thought I would share. I am not claiming to have invented this or anything but I haven't seen it being widely discussed so I hope its useful for someone. This is a demo track I recorded, badly and too loud, using this technique to give you and idea what it sounds like.
The Pulse channel has (for all intents and purposes) 3 step PWM at 12.5%, 25% and 50% which is really useful but the WAV channel is a fair bit more powerful.
Step 1 - Instruments
Make a new WAV instrument (00) and name it PWM0, make a second WAV instrument (01) and call is PWM1
Go to your chain and put note on all steps from 0 to F using instrument 00. I used the blues scale at octave 5, it seems easier to hear the effect at this pitch.
Clone the chain, in the cloned chain change all the instruments to 01
So we should now have
Chain 00 with notes in octave 5 on every step from 0 to F using instrument 00
Chain 01 with notes in octave 5 on every step from 0 to F using instrument 01
Step 2 - Synth
Go to instrument 00, check synth 0 is selected, hold select and press up once and left once to get to the synth editor.
The top row of numbers represent the first 16 steps (left half) of the first frame of the wave editor, the bottom row of numbers represents the second (right half).
In the Top left you can see "WAVE 00"
The first 0 of the represents the wave, the second 0 represents the frame. If you hold B and Press up and down, you can cycle through different waves (probably all look like sawtooths), hold B and press Left and Right to move through the frames.
Go back to 00. Dont hold B or A, just use the D pad to move all the little pixels to the very bottom of the grid so boths rows of numbers are "0"s. Go to the left most pixel, press down once and the pixel should jump up to the top of the table giving you
Along the top. This is going to be the first frame of out PWM wave.
We are now going to copy this frame.
Hold Select - Tap B Twice
This selects the whole frame.
Release Select and Tap B. This copies the Frame.
Hold B press right once, This will move you to the Second Frame of Wave one, you should see "WAVE 01" in the top left.
Now hold Select, press A to paste frame 01 over Frame 02.
now move the second pixel to the top of the table so you should have
Along the top row.
Repeat this process, copying frame 2 to frame 3, editing the frame to read,
and repeat all the way to frame 16 where the left half of the table will be at the top and the right hald at the bottom, giving you a 50% squarewave.
Quick note DO NOT, repeat DO NOT edit ANYTHING on the synth screen or you will have to do this step again.
Step 3 - Tables
Go to the instrument screen for instrument 00, leave everything as is except
change TABLE to ))
Enter table 00
at step 00 enter F0F
at Step 01 enter F0E
down to Step F00
This is manually specifying the frames for our instrument, incrementing one frame each time the intrument is played.
Now go to Instrument 01, set it to the same setting as instrument 00, make sure it is synth 00, but set the table to 01, go into table 01 and enter the opposite of table 00.
Start at Step 00 F00
and finish at Step 0F F0F
Now go out to the chain screen and play your two phrases, you should head the PWM Start at the 50% phat Frame and close down to the thin frame by the end of the phrase, then open up again through the second chain!!
Its can obviously be fiddled around with and improved upon but I thought the was fun to work with.
I have included a .sav for LSDJ I think 3.9.6 if you cant follow my probably garbled instructions.
1,774 Jun 29, 2010 3:35 pm
Re: Lightwall: Concept for VJ oriented NES rom (353 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
I would also vote for 10x8
and some random ideas!
Hold Select > U/D/L/R = Chose animations 1,2,3 or 4
Hold Start > U/D/L/R = Chose animations 5,6,7 or 8
Hold B > U/D = Speed up/Slow down animation
Hold B > L = Start/Stop Animation
Hold B > R = Change Background Black/White
Hold A > U = Cycle Shapes
Hold A > D = Change Grid size 10x8 to Whatever x Whatever
Hold A > Hold L = Black Pulse
Hold A > Hold R = White Pulse
Select + Start = Reset to default animation
Another way to access more animations could be for example
Hold U/D/L/R > Select/Start/B/B
Which would give access to a total of 16 animations?
Mainly thinking out loud here still but I hope it might be useful.
Also major major respect to blargg and Neil!
1,775 Jun 29, 2010 12:58 am
Re: Lightwall: Concept for VJ oriented NES rom (353 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
Awesome work, I have a few ideas for features which hopefully wouldn't be too outrageous. I will write them up tonight
1,776 Jun 27, 2010 3:00 pm
Re: Lightwall: Concept for VJ oriented NES rom (353 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
I'd love to see the source code for that last one, because as long and annoying as it would be, it would be nice to modify the text.
I would also like to give that a try. Also I was curious, is there a way to change the background color after starting the rom?
and Neil, you are a total hero!