Thanks alot, a register list is more or less what I as looking for. It might take me a little while, but I will post anything useufl I find here.


(93 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Ok, this is the site for 11hzrobot

Blurred and crushed and Like anything are really nice.

tRasH cAn maN wrote:

Anyone know where to find his early works? had a CD or two a while back also I thin kyou might be able to find a torrent of "The nintendo museum EP" which is well worth a download. …

Otherwise his really old stuff is kind of hard to track down, much of it was hand made CDRs sold at shows or out of print vinyl.


(24 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Sweet, this has a killer line up I think.

I have one of VBlanks A_SID kits … -emulator/

And I am going to try to learn a bit of processing and get a few squeaks and blips out of it.

I was going to try and use this utility …

To reverse engineer a .sid and try to work out what is going on. Could someone recommend a .sid file or two which don't use any complex .sid tricks or wacky programming voodoo?

Thanks most kindly.


(16 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Acctually, I like it so much, im going to third Chaos Engine

Do you just drop all the plugins I the gstreamer folder? What are you using for sndh?

Its out of my league on the technical side but very interested in this as an A_SID (proud owner) controller as mentioned in the bottom of the post. Ill be keeping an eye on this.

Also any news on the 25 dollar chip synth you were brainstorming a couple of weeks back? Its a very interesting project and im curious where it goes.

- edited about 25 spelling errors in two sentences...


(29 replies, posted in Releases)

I like this a great deal and the cover WINS. Let it spawn a generation of people learning opl3!

I just switched back to Linux for a while and pretty much the only thing I miss about windows is xmplay. What are all my linux using brothers and sisters running? I have tried Audacious but it gave me the horrors listening to adlib files. Im also particularly interested in finding something which plays SNDH files well. Should I be using a suite of programs? running something through wine? Also I tried Audio Overload but it seems a little bare bones to me.

any help much appreciated.


(163 replies, posted in Rules & Announcements)

Quick summary of what I like about modarchives in no particular order

- Free for anyone to upload any amount of anything (I think?)

- search for content by
-- artist
-- genre
above two are user preference neutral, I would add "hard/software" to that list
-- downloads
-- favorited
-- revered "respected"?
-- rated out of 10
above two are User preference based

- Front page displays "random goodness" and "recent favorites"

and it seems to focus of the archive is the archive and access to it rather than specific elements of content?

Could be a way to go?

akira^8GB wrote:

I don't know about the rest, but I hardly make 1 track worth showing around in a month.
I also don't understand why I would share publicly a WiP.

Totally valid, but for example goto80 makes like twelve good tunes before breakfast.


(163 replies, posted in Rules & Announcements)

YEah, To be honest, modarchive is a has alot of good ideas for managing content.

Edward Shallow wrote:

I'd say so. The same way you'd say "I'm a guitarist, I play folk music", I feel.

Major difference being the majority of the population have a reasonable idea what a guitar is and vague handle on "folk" ask 100 people what these terms mean and the answers will probably be fairly similar. Chip musicand it's technology isn't part of the wider social conciousness yet.

When answering the question "what do you do?" you can give people an answer they understand or open a can or worms. I mean chip musicians can't even really agree what chip music is.


(327 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Actually, I'm going to recommend 11hzrobot. I think He is on muxtape but he did some wonderful piggy tracker stuff


(68 replies, posted in General Discussion)

One thing I would like if possible for you to add to your huddle, there was a bit of a situation about ten minutes before this post. One user was being border line rude and flooding and could have done with a bit of operator/moderator intervention but I wasnt able to get in touch with anyone. Would it be possible for us to PM fat controller and request op action then FC could PM the active ops or something?

Right, thanks to a bit of help from beware I got this up an running, I think this has just amazing potential and thanks to smiker for the work, im going to follow this closely.


(51 replies, posted in General Discussion)

The Chiptune alliance tour I THINK has used street teams in the UK. Give free tickets to a couple of people and get them to flyer the afternoon of the show.

Also, how about at the end of the show saying "thanks everyone for coming, we are really interested in getting more people to come, if you have any ideas, collar one of the staff". or have a little suggestion box or something? The punters may have ideas you haven't thought of, unlikely but possible I guess.