This is probably a very very silly question but does the stereo version of Goattracker :

a) give you 3 channels but with stereo panning?


b) give you 6 more or less (SID quirks notwithstanding) independent channels?

I have had a bit of a google but I can't seem to find a clear answer and I dont have a PC handy so I cant do the obvious and try it out.

Can anyone fill me in? Thanks!

Awesome tune, but lets keep all these updates in a single thread please!

Clarified topic

Moved to general discussion, not a tutorial

CountSymphoniC wrote:

Yeah, it's probably going to take a while until we see a downloadable demo. However, I'm certain that once we get to this point updates will be a lot more frequent and progress will go a lot more smoothly.

I dont think taking time is any problem, people will remember the quality of the product for a lot longer than they will remember the development time. Also this is a pretty awesome community so if you run into any walls, totally let us know and someone can probably help!

Thanks for the update by the way.


(8 replies, posted in Releases)

Clarified the title for ya!

Does the fan page system give you an kind of handy way to redownload your purchases?


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I REALLY REALLY want to see this!

Just a quick bump on this to see how the project is progressing!

Ah right, I see what you mean, but yeah, my logic remains, if I want to see details about a particular user, their user profile is a far more logical place to look than across multiple forum threads.

Well, the links can be added under your username, see this user for example

Also, could combine this with an earlier request … -identity/

Plus a few other more recent social media things.

chunter wrote:

How about putting them in a sig?

I agree with kitch, im not a fan of sigs at all, lots of forum clutter and everyone has a description and detailed profile on their user page

There are probably 6 or 7 threads with people listing their facebook, tumblr, soundcloud, twitter, 3ds friend codes, wii whatever etc.

First question, is anyone actually using these threads as a resource to find forum members contact details? Multiple threads seems like a fairly cumbersome way of archiving that type of information and there are new social media / media sharing / gaming profile things popping fairly regularly, the problem isnt going anywhere. I propose the following.

1 - lock all the various threads, create 1 unified "directory" thread where each user can list all their various social media links and can edit their posts as they update, change or add new links.

2 - This is my preferred solution, lock all the threads and people just add friend codes / tumblr / whatever to their profiles description (which supports BB code and up to 5000 chracters).

My logic is, if I want to find out more about user X, clicking on their username is a far easier way to do this than searching through 6 or 7 and counting forum threads, some of which are over 10 pages long.



(13 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)

I have a feeling o2star builds / sells DOS PCs might be a good person to check with?

Topic title edited for clarity

Give this a read might be helpful!