The future of chipmusic is incredibly exciting for me. Blip and TCTD have left the scene but everything looks super rosey to me. Things which are going on which im excited about.
- Blip showed 4 continents of people how great a chipmusic show can be. I think it was an inspiration to thousands of musicians, organisers and fans. That is a fertile seedbed.
- Continuing development of new and exciting hardware (drag and derp, GenMDM, Various NES projects, GIMIC)
- New technologies for distribution / communication like twitter and bandcamp
- Steady progress on trackers like LGPT, Famitracker and Deflemask
- Live shows popping up all over the place.
- Old school people (om, 4mat, hunz, gusse) coming back to the fold and being fucking awesome
- new performers developing (toriena, m7kenji, cheapshot, batsly adams, o2star)
- people making money from game soundtracks!
- chip sounds reaching a wider audience through plogue
So much potential!
My wishlist for the future
- More old school sceners start performing, Elwood and Radix anyone?
- A network of bad ass independent festivals for chip music.
- Gimic gets some traction outside japan (FM chips like you wouldnt BELIEVE)
- Someone finally discovers how blindingly awesome louis G is.
- Chibitech releases an album.
- More tightly focussed chippy labels like chipflip/metrodub/telefuture
- people finally stop bickering / giving a shit about "authenticity" and "what chipmusic is".
All of which, cept the last one, seems pretty likely!