(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I tried to take a picture like this but I couldnt work out how to hold all three gameboys and the camera.

Cheapbeats 5 is here, hip deep in dub, mod_shrine and old and new school local talent!

Now with time table :

4:00pm - Bun JP
4:30pm - Minikomi AU
5:00pm - Toriena JP
5:30pm - Coda US
6:00pm - Xaimus US
6:15pm - 'Nobody US
6:30pm - Matt Nida UK
7:00pm - Saitone JP
7:30pm - Chibitech JP

VJ m7Kenji

Twitter Hashtag: #cheapbeats

6/2 - 16:00 - 18:00 (Doors 15:45)

YK Building B1F
West Waseda 2-1-19


A couple of shows I have seen recently, most notably blip aus had really really impressive video streams, I really don't know much about this but I'm toying with the idea of a similar stream for some of our local shows. I assume you need a bunch of cameras a video mixer and a video mixer tocomputer converter but could anyone, maybe Ctrix or aday or anyone break it down a bit for me? Xxx

I managed to compile my own rom for scrollnes which is a pretty big deal for me!

I do have a quick question though, some of no carriers demo videos show the scrolling text oscillating up and down but my text only scrolls left to right. Can someone fill me in on how to make the text oscillate?


(167 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Girl Posse wrote:

The question at hand is....Can you use dub-like-bass but not be hacky and dubsteppy? I'd like to fit into that category somehow because bass is honestly really fun to play with in LSDJ

Are you drawing a line between Dub and Dubstep? Cause Minikomi / ??? / Cowp / Q300 and a lot of cheapshot firmly in the dub camp, not really dubstep. Both totally fun genres though!

dosPrompt wrote:

I love that theres all these chip events happening all over the world on one day. Shame that this one and SoundBytes will overlap... but maybe we can play some of it to our crowd between SB Sets if theres a stream

Oh! good point! I will try to find out. This isn't our usual venue and im not sure what the stream situation is.

Some of the Japanese Famicompo team, with a little help from the cheapbeats team, are running a show called Famicom MAD NES!with a couple of #mod_shrine members new week. The line up is rather awesome

kabakism (Openning DJ)
KAZ a.k.a.HIGE
Coda (mod_shrine)
Hally (VORC)

Place: Kawasaki Tsukiyume
Y2,000 (with 1drink)



(21 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Aeros wrote:

solely 1xDMG here, if you're only counting chip equipment

i wish i had more hardware

Super tiny quick note, this is the bugs and requests forum, there is already a magnificent, John Holmes worth gear list/photo thread here.

http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/166/p … ome-setup/


(21 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

- double post -

So I will leave you with this thought, cutlery which bears pain and adversity with courage and steadfastness has forktitude,


(21 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Anyone who wants to can add a list of equipment to their profile already in the description section of their profile.


(25 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

Domu wrote:

In the UK, your name means fart.

In Japanese your name is slang for domu.


(33 replies, posted in Sega)

Megadrive -  Castlvania Generations, Rainbow islands, Newzealand Story.

Saturn - Bubble Symphony, Bakubaku animal, Panzer Dragoon Zwei (awesome rail shooter), House of the dead (cheesy as hell but so much fun), Darius Gaiden.


(33 replies, posted in Sega)

It is a crying shame that Nights into Dreams is so buggy, the game completely falls apart at high level.

I could be totally wrong but judging by my twitter feed, lots of people seem to be open sourcing their demos.

I know virtually nothing about the demo scene but I wondered if Ilkae, matt, akira or one of you other sceners could fill me in. Has this been going on for a while and I just didn't notice it or more interestingly if it is recent why did it start happening now and why not sooner?



(97 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

nitro2k01 wrote:

Thanks for the offer Lazerbeat, but the YM2164 is less suitable for this than the YM2413 because of its size, and also because requires an additional external digital to analog converter chip. So it wouldn't be practical, if even possible to fit everything needed inside a DMG. YM2413 is smaller (even if more limited) but has everything built in.

It looks like egr might well have you covered but if you get stuck, is the chip similar to the VRC7?

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memory_Man … oller#VRC7

If it is, I can probably rustle up a copy of Lagrange point or two?


(97 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

It is a bit of a different beast but I have a YM216 you can experiment with if it would help?
