
(174 replies, posted in Sega)

No problem, glad to help.


(80 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)

I want to use SAD Tracker. Emo FM


(174 replies, posted in Sega)

Hey Shiru! I THINK I maybe found a small problem, I think for Algorithm 1, operators 2 and 3 might be the wrong way round?


(80 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)

The flow charts absolutely, They aren't THAT hard. 6op it totally possible but I don't have a 6op synth, all mine are 4op, Something for the future....

- edit - Cascating operators confuse me, very very hard to predict. Also yamaha having arbitrary numbering policies for operators depending on the day of the week is confusing.


(80 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)

2 more videos up. DR/SL and Feedback/hihats

@fedepede04 interesting stuff!


(8 replies, posted in Sega)

I was chatting with Tappy at Cheapbeats and apparently Hally (surprise surprise) got some kind of PWM out of the SN76496. It was really odd values though, 93.6 or something.

http://www.smspower.org/Music/MISSION76 … e2b747936f

Seb, you might want to add a little FAQ about the interface to the op, questions like samples and kit vs assembled, everdrive seem to come up pretty often!

It isnt just a cable. The cable plugs into the interface itself is a Teensy arduino based device which plugs into the 2nd controller port.

ive never had it choke on notes.

Yeah, don't know if its significant, but port 2?

In the wild!!!

akira^8GB wrote:
calmdownkidder wrote:

Oh, you're not willing to go to shows as a fan? I see now...

A fan of what and who, exactly? tongue
Until you book us, I don't even think a north west England exists... xD

I haven't lived in the UK since I knew about a wider chip scene, really curious what the vibe is like.

Thread has run its course now?


(12 replies, posted in Past Events)

Harmonia RULE!


(146 replies, posted in General Discussion)

PlainFlavored wrote:

8bc actually got me laid

You know getting sack tapped doesn't count get getting laid right?

Victory Road wrote:

I'm going to be spending the whole evening trying to think of an exception to the above statement

Well, one that isn't a snarky generalization tongue

Well I mean there are exceptions obviously, for example some of the ultra minimal c stuff 4mat posted a while back or the first bleeps from vblanks YM synth leap to mind. You could shore up the above statement is you like :

"when people spend time publicly handwringing about the authenticity/validity/fakebitness of X music vs Y music, I think how said tunes are made, while interesting, is a distant second to if they are good or not."