My general advice to op and any good tattoo artist will hopefully tell you something similar for your first tattoo, It doesn't seem like your idea is quite formed enough to get a tattoo just yet. I would let the idea gestate a little more. In general a tattoo artist is going to want to know to a fair degree of accuracy:
- What design do you want?
- Where do you want the design on your body?
- What colors / shading do you want?
- What size tattoo do you want?
Once you have a reasonable idea of the above the artist should be able to answer more specific questions like "Is this design too detailed for the size I want?", "Does this color selection compliment the design?" and "If I get the tattoo on my XXXXX how will the shape change when I move?"
Alternatively, ask around, find a studio you like the look of, give them a call and ask to sit down with the artist, explain roughly what you did in your first post and ask them to do a lightening quick sketch, give them a little input "more aggressive smile" or "bigger eyes" or whatever and you will get something you like.
Finally a general comment on the thread. The idea "I place a a great deal of value on my body, it's tattoos or lack there of and my own artist taste ergo all other people must place a great deal of value on theirs" is a bit dumb.