(89 replies, posted in Sega)

@diagamblic : model 1 is sega genesis 1 right? But what is TMSS and NON-TMSS?


(24 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)


Coming back to this raspberry pi, I now want to use my ur242 usb-audio soundcard. In meanwhile I installed the last version of raspberry pi OS (named raspberry pi OS, here : https://www.raspberrypi.org/software/ ).

When i'm on the desktop, my soundcard is good recognized, I see it and if i play a sound in VLC it works.
But from LGPT, the sound always come from hdmi. I tried that :

sudo ./lgpt.rpi-exe -AUDIOBUFFER=64 -AUDIODEVICE=hw:USB $*

but it says that :

RtApiAlsa::getDeviceInfo: pcm device (hw:2,0) data format not supported by RtAudio.

pulseaudio is already installed
it's the same without AUDIOBUFFER=64


(89 replies, posted in Sega)

Diagamblic has also the same problem as me (on everdrive x7) about not working save sram. He just said that on facebook


(89 replies, posted in Sega)

I got a few responses on facebook about people testing MD tracker on flash cards:

"Cole Jaques :
Bet. I tried this out on my Everdrive pro, a month or two ago and couldn't really get it to do anything. I'll try out the latest version if there is an update."

"Aaron Hickman
Ok - messing around I’ve figured out how to make a few of the preset instruments play back sound - but when I create a patch I know works in Deflemask - I get no sound at all. Any idea why Maz Hoot?"

For the note off in all channels, I just tried, and it doesn't change something. Still the same problem


(8 replies, posted in Sega)

But I don't know if it can be uploaded ? For exemple, I know catskull electronic's arduinoboy lite can't be uploaded with arduino ide while standard arduinoboy can. So maybe it's the same for genMDM? I don't know...

If my solution works (it works but after using cc9 (preset normally but sometimes i'm wrong because I use hexadecimal ccs number on lgpt or lsdj)) then it should "simply" add a preset on default channels. But, I think it's not the same thing, it works but maybe it also limitate.


(8 replies, posted in Sega)

Oh, I didn't know about the plug after boot solution! But I always had this problem and I discover (after 1 or 2 years using (sometimes) it and think that sega genesis has only one fm channel...) that I had to select preset with cc9 and after that it works good.

I finally get it working, if someone come here and have similar problems, installing pixel (lxde for retropie) is the way to go. After doing that, all became easyer, I saw the error messages, can manage boot in autostart.sh (have to write : startx yourfile.sh instead of emulationstation)

Installing raspbian without retropie didn't work, even by using video driver which is in overlay folder of boot. So keeping retropie but adding pixel was the solution as retropie can understand that, and can understand that you want to start it instead of buggy emulationstation

I played with frame_width, fame_high for have good screen (not too small) and a little (not too much) with overscan_top/left

the sound have crackling/poping, like have raspis... but It's much better that at the beginning, it was really worse at first...

Now If I want better sound I have to figure out how use an external soundcard and be recognized. Both my ur242 and zoomH4n are not recognized, on the pi boy or on my other raspberry pi, same problem.


(13 replies, posted in M8)

For the headless, is there a way to make it works with linux computer or with raspbian raspberry pi?


(2 replies, posted in Sega)

I found that the old documentation (for previous version) is more understandable. I'm not on the computer now but I can send you. The last time I wanted it it was not available on internet and I asked catskull electronics to send me it.

I think there are also several bugs like : I don't know why you have to activate cc9 for enable fm synthesis on other channels than 1. If I don't there is nothing on default on it.

I can't respond to your question but for now the best controller I used for genMDM was lgpt on raspberry pi with midi. But your project looks promising keep going!!

I made sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade and now, sound on LGPT is ok. But, the screen become not good. It's like 16/9 and my is 4/4. I can't start raspi-config it says command not found...

Normally I think I can edit config.txt for resolve this, but the config.txt is the same than before (I made a save of the previous one and it seems to be exactly the same and screen width and hight are here so it seems like it don't read config.txt...

emulationstation is in the good format and emulators too, but native application and terminal are bad displayed. This is the configs at the end of config.txt :

# Enable audio (loads snd_bcm2835)
# hdmi_force_hotplug=1

# hdmi_group=2

# hdmi_mode=87

# hdmi_cvt=640 480 60 1 0 0 0

# disable_overscan=1

# avoid_warnings=1
hdmi_timings=320 0 28 18 28 480 0 2 2 8 0 0 0 60 0 32000000 1

Now it is installed, I don't know if it was but I did it. But the problem is the same... sound is still horrible...

it's hard because I have to start pi boy, quit emulation station for have the terminal, then plug usb adaptor with ethernet + keyboard, and type commands by hand. I have to figure how connect to ssh on it


(32 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Happy birthday herr_prof!! And really thank you for all your helps about my chiptune problems, that's very nice!

With my other pi, I found the quality of audio pretty ok! I used it here (there is also genesis but you can easy know what is what) :
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3D4FZJC … el=MazHoot

So maybe this pi boy 3b+ pi can also do it? I don't know what is the version of my other pi...

I know there is other thread speaking about that but they are quite old. Is there other solution than use usb soundcard?

my device is a pi boy with raspberry pi 3b+ inside with retropie and emulation station.

The weird thing is that sound in emulators is ok but not in native applications (lgpt, the sound seems to be shitty on doom too).

@herr_prof helped me with an other raspberry pi but the problem was different  (at the end, sound was ok on the other pi) and also I don't want to broke the fonctionnality of pi boy so I prefer ask before try to reinstall alsa-sound... I'm a little afraid broking the screen displaying because I have no information about the screen and I saw on internet other peoples had problems using it if they try to reinstall

Ah ok herr_prof nice idea i have usb to ethernet adaptor so it should work (no wifi here)

But right now my problem is dirty audio in lgpt. I see in other threads that the principal solution was external usb audio interface. But maybe it's outdated because audio works good on my other raspi without usb interface and i would prefer much without

Maybe i should create a new thread for that because it's related to rasppi not specific to pi boy. The audio problem is on a pi3b (which is inside pi boy)

@herr_prof no there is no ethernet port.

But I finally get it working, (but there is a problem about audio) it seems that it doesn't like when changing stuff on the sd card. I "finished" an important part of my setup, used it like 4/5 times and emulation station always started now. If someone has a pi boy, you must exist lgpt then press start on emulation station then choose system shutdown. If you don't it can corrupt files and don't start again...

And I discover how accessing terminal too. If you choose quit emulation station insead of system shutdown, you arrive to a terminal! And there mapping is easyer because a log is created (have to use mapping event print option with lgpt command in lgpt wiki). You just need to remember which button you press before open the log (with cat lgpt.log for exemple). And doing that I saw that lgpt was good launched from the terminal so if I use only lgpt maybe I will just automatically start it and don't launch emulation station like I did on my standard raspberry pi.

So now it's good mapped and midi works good! BUT, the sound of lgpt is very dirty. It sounds like a problem other people already had here. The thing strange is that sound is fine in other emulation games.

Other points :

- the shoulder buttons behind the pi boy are not good when you put the gameboy on a table because the buttons are pressed, I think it can ruin it in the time, keeping them always pressed...

- screen with lgpt is small, it's fullscreen but lgpt has a yellow part unused around the program, that should be much better to zoom in a bit but I don't know if it's possible. It's a little hard for eyes for me