(36 replies, posted in Releases)

Smashing work, guy!  Your music just gets better and better with each new release.  My body isn't ready for the upcoming album.


(41 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Just saw this bumped to most recent on the front page.

Would OP post deadline and listed contributors so far?  Might pitch my hat in if time/deadline permits.


(17 replies, posted in Releases)

I Love you for "An Age Of Planetary Pride," which has been playing on my media players and in my head since NoiseChan's listening part on Thursday; a song you had said was about Neil Armstrong but instead draws imagery in my head of my girlfriend and marriage.

I HATE you because you're so damn young and have been able to create top-quality music, which borderlines jealousy to be perfectly honest.  A peanut butter and jealousy sandwich of hatred.

And I Respect you for using OpenMPT to create such beautiful melodies and crispy jams; it sets the bar to where I personally want to push my MPT music and skills toward.

Bah humfuck.

We should do this again next year, with an even longer title.

But name it;

It's Never Too Late For A Christmas Album Part Two Electric Boogaloo:  The Christmas Album (And This Time, It's Personal)


(1 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

I really liked at 1:04 when your unfiltered leads came in, but I wish you did a bit more with it.  Like another lead to harmonize with.

Good mellow jam!


(7 replies, posted in Releases)



(7 replies, posted in Releases)

I blasted the Dawn of the Dead track when I was in Atlanta this weekend.  Felt like The Walking Dead if I gave a damn and watched that show.



(179 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Dr Treble wrote:
Pieces of Eight wrote:


do you know how to edit ucollective posts cus i didn't know you couldn't use BBCode :X

I sure don't.

I'll share the link tomorrow on my facebook and etc., people have sworn to me at gunpoint if they see anything Christmas related from me in October, lol


(179 replies, posted in Collaborations)


I can't find anything to really criticize, it's a pretty hip track.

On the subject of Reaper, what effects are you using?  I'm currently using Reaper as well, but never get a chance to 'talk shop' with other users.  Whatever you're utilizing, you're doing pretty well with.

Excellent collab, Excellent tracks all around; had fun contributing!  Thanks for working with us on the deadlines, Treble!

Now, where the hell did this "Teen Arts And Friends" come from?  Their track is gnarly and I found their bandcamp and all, but this is the first I've heard heard of them.  Kudos to you TAaF if you see this.  big_smile


(179 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Don't forget to post it to uCollective and NoiChan.org!

Really dig what I'm hearing; Auxcide, your track is pretty banging too, love the title XD


(179 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Yeah, mine will sound a bit quieter compared to everything else because I can't use compression worth jack shit to boost the levels of everything else, but I kept it moderately low as possible (up until the two minute mark) to amp it a little past clipping.

I'll send you another version just in case via PM, thanks for getting back to me quickly on that.


(179 replies, posted in Collaborations)

woah, something's up with my track, it's all scratchy and shit.

Did you do any altering or did you slap it up on bandcamp?

If so, I'd like to submit a different version; no clue why it's all like that on there.


(179 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Why is it live early? 

Not that the link is widespread right now, but all the same.  : |

bandcamp how you even gonna

(btw Treb, check your PM for the google when you do)