tfm music maker too, right?
nope. wrong chip is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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tfm music maker too, right?
nope. wrong chip
dear Michelle
why havent i seen you play in sf lately? I havent heard a good Computeher dance set in a while.
when are you coming back?
More partying required.
..... i havent watched such chiptune drama unveil in a long time...
As i see it. Shiru is a talented dood. he made some software that i think went over the heads of a lot of beginning users who are used to being spoon fed and looking at pretty things.
His programs were raw and functional and i never had any problem using them.
Without a doubt He created the most in-depth effective tracker for FM chiptune synthesis that i have seen.
I think his work wasn't as appreciated as it should have been and he got a lot more shit then praise. i can understand his frustration.
I mean we shouldn't expect so much from a dood just doing his thing for shits and giggles. He even went beyond that and the same thing happened.
Its his software and he can do what ever he wants with it. We dont really have any god given right to demand anything from him.
jsut got this. did know bout the promo codes but... whateves... sounds like some great c64 drum action. its been great to play with.
i dont think there is an article to my knowledge.
i thought there was a thread about this already... hmm. may be it was at 8bc. anyways. so soldering to the volume pot doesnt work to prosound gbas. that is because unlike the normal gameboys the amplifier (the noisey bg sound source) component comes before the volume pot. so... there are 2 resistors that come before that you can trace on the ciruit board that come before the amplifier. solder to those and add a jack and you got yourself a functioning gba prosound mod.
the problem is these ristors are tiny and come off really easy when heated really easy effectivly ffffffuuucking you shit up. also there isnt the option for volume control with the added jack.
if ou have hands of a surgeon you can probably pull it off but i have never seen or heard of anyone who has done it right.
good luck ya bunch of n00bs
the thing that people forget is that it is important to understand what is happening in these mods and how they work. prosound mods work by bypassing your audio signal past noisy components (amplifier) of the gameboy. the amplifer is made to prep the audio for headphones but in the process adds a litte background noise. going around this eliminates the noise but makes your signal not ideal for headphones tho it is perfectly suitable for other things.
fun fact. the original prosound was developed by the very talented trash 80 who was thinking about how to make gbcs sound better as the population of dmg modles deminished. that was a long time ago tho and you new guys probably werent around the chipscene for that... hell i wasnt even around for that yet.
Mountain Lion blows.
I'll keep an eye out.
thanx dood.
Off topic i know. but if any one sees a Caanoo for sale online with a piggy sticker on the back let me know. mine was stolen... i have a new one but i still would like one back.
When is the next run happening?
all i am saying is... the thing isnt ugly. i like that.
Amiga music is always welcome in my book.
I find that lsdj sounds best through a special addition pokemon GBC. more bass ya kno?
I am looking to find some rad Mods. I have been really inspired by the Amiaga's sound capabilities and am on the search for examples that meet my taste.
Most of what I have been finding sounds like super cheesy 90's breaks, techno, and or funky jazzy shizz.
I was wondering if you guys could suggests anything more dark and serious sounding or cinematic in nature? dare i say even.... sad sounding? The things i have been finding are way over the top whimsical or cliche boss music.
any help? / Forums / Posts by wedanced