The thread asks for SID musicians.
yeah what he said. is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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The thread asks for SID musicians.
yeah what he said.
i got shit faced and up loaded it to the internet. thats about it.
meh. not my thing. it sounds like 90% break 5% videogame samples and 5% actual chip to me.
Martin Galway mentioned in an "out of the ordinary sid composers" thread? come oooon
psssss i kno i know but just hear me out! if you consider all the other composers at the time i feel like his work stands out and for sure isnt "smooth melody jams or "funk""
He doesn't really use those bouncing chord arps and fast over the top leads. I always hear an emulation of a orchestra in his music. I never hear that with other peeps c64 shit. being one of the first peeps to exploit the sid flaw to use samples he really was trying to push that machine further than it was expected to go. another thing to take note of is the fact the guy used percussion sparingly. allowing to use the channels for chords and other mayhem. all dis kinda makes for a sound totally unique to even a lot of shit that is made today.
lastly a lot of video game music in the 8bit era was made in short loops lasting under 2 minuets sometimes. The fool wrote like 11 min. songs and stuff. that shit is just awesome in its self. would you rather listen to 5 mins of sexy sweet sid action or 10?
its like do you want to have sex for like a minute or like an hour?
more of a good thing cant be wrong.
akira... sir was not joking this guy is dope.
was looking thru the c64 stuff i listen to the most and i pulled up a few for you.
Sil req - top of my list but thats already been said so on to the next.
Martin Galway - a big name in the c64 music world. made the music for arkanoids.... so god damn beast. he has a release with a large amount of songs he made called Project Galway. what sets him apart is his sound is very cinematic style and the fucker hardcore uses real chords and dont depend on chipper arps. he was one of the first c64 composers heavily using samples from what i can gather in interviews.
when he was at his best it was hardcore epic soundtrack space odysseys.
Arman Behdad aka intensity - a gent with strong ties to the demo scene. his tracks range from slow and brooding to mega trance techno. he writes using cybertracker and claims to have a special unreleased version of the software. I got all his stuff from 8bc but the music section is down right now.
suggested tracks are The Sweet Odour of Jesus Christ and
aleksi eeben - he is a g. music style varies a lot but there is something there for everyone. it goes from metal to extremely restrained bouncing melodies to epic acid lines. listen to grand rules, Moontimer from the white box release, and Water Music on the Perseverance release. you will see what i mean. just a note. when you download whitebox know that the full release comes with 28 songs. the first time i downloaded it the site i got it from only gave me 4 songs.
Dalezy and Maktone seconded. need to check out weack
this may be the best thread evar invented. gonna go to town with these.
sil req is a king tho.
Things that lsdj can do that nanoloop cant...
I find that lsdj is just a more exact instrument to work with. everything works with very specific set quantizations and more commands can be implemented at one time or sequnced then in nanoloop. this gives you a lot of control. tables can really push out the most of your gameboys sounds.
as far as fm goes.... after nl 1.2 it disappeared. 1.5 added a extra voice to detune and phase one of the pulse waves with that was taken out from 1.6. nl 1.6 is supposed to include the fm features again tho.
other then that i feel like lsdj can make any sound that nanoloop can and do so with more accurate control.
when its all said and done tho i gotta go oldschool and cruise with flipflops. i enjoy the versatility. water and land travel no problem. carpet travel no problem. hard wood no problem. tiled no problem. tree travel no problem. tight rope no problem. underground no problem. it has a nice ride and comfortable intuitive interface.
highly recommended.
I hope to survive the year with out going bat shit crazy.... o wait... wrong thread.
Chiptune forum. Not gamer forum.
it is limited with only preset sounds. doesnt come near able to pull out all the noise the c64 is capable of.
sweeeeeet. so dis what u were talking bout. dope. sorry again.
cock. banger.
i heard 8bc was taken over by aliens.... / Forums / Posts by wedanced