The headphone output is usually ok but the pro sound outputs are way too loud, distorts like crazy, which is a shame.
... turn down your volume of your gameboy... is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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The headphone output is usually ok but the pro sound outputs are way too loud, distorts like crazy, which is a shame.
... turn down your volume of your gameboy...
less kaoss. moar thing to do. fun times tho.
also... better than my first.
that is my favorite by far.
seen it before. there alot of artists that i have seen that have fiddled with this stuff.
hmmm let me get my shit togever and maybe we will see.
woooowzers trash80 that is cool to see.
nifty will check out later
no but for real guys itybity
nifty. i wish there was a little more there but its cool
yeah it could be just my unit. it has new batteries and everything and most of the time i use it away from any intense electronics. even with out the headphones pluged in the fuzzzz can be heard through the speaker.
this guys is fun but truthfully it isnt amazing. the filter is nice but the output is noisy as hell. too much fuzz for recording. Its a cool little toy and or live effects device for when sound quality isnt an issue. there really is a lot of unwanted humming and buzzing.
I would just like to say... I wasn't waiting and waiting. / Forums / Posts by wedanced