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Topics by wedanced
Posts found: 97-112 of 1,287
Jellica wrote:thebitman wrote:Don't limit yourself. You can do anything in any channel, it's just a matter of how hard you are willing to work to make it happen. That is why LSDJ artists can get away with sounding so different while using very very similar hardware.
4reals. you shouldn't limit yourself to anything, the channels on LSDJ are remarkably flexible.
my songs have snares made with a pulse channel mixed with some noise channel. noise kicks mixed up with pulse kicks. fuck it use the wav channel to make a high hat.
yeah even stack your channels to get even more diverse and complicated shit. that is the best if you want to get the most from lsdj. yolo lsdjing for sure braaah. a little pulse tom stacked with some noise and you suddenly got a thicker snare then just using one channel. a little burst of noise over a kick and suddenly it pops like crazy. a little blah bla bhal bhalbjalbjkb
you get the idea.
I am trying to build a m4l device that will be able to control mssiah bass line. this is the first time i have ever attempted to do anything with m4l and am having quite a bit of issues getting what i have made to work.
so far I have managed to lay down all the necessary knobs i want to use and connected each of them each to a CTLout.
it looks like this....

After throwing it in a midi channel and routing that to the right channel I am still getting no results. what am i doning wrong. The top bar is indicating that midi is being transimited but mssiah isnt doing shiiiit.
help please. thanx in advanced.
for the nosie snares play with the table so that the start of the sound uses the shorter matalic noise loop and then have it quickly jump to the more static sound. you can get some interesting results from that.
longer. maybe play with making some triangle wav kicks and toms to add a little more dynamic to percussion. saw bass sounds good but might want to try add some tonal variation. mostly just play more with creating different sound patches as they feel pretty plain. all in all sounds good tho. like that guitar tone.
I think the model 3 has a stereo mod that can be done. It actually does sound fantastic in general too. Not sure why it doesn't get the love it deserves.
The revisions really are a bitch. I would be willing to run the test myself if people were down to send me units to barrow. I have 2 model 2s that were given to me and access to one other hi deff model ones.
Weeeeee can doooo it if we pool our resources.
Mdashdotdashn wrote:Some guy mailed my last week about sending me a unit for a port, to which I said yes. No news since then though.
I am glad they finally got in contact!!! I told him about LGPT in their irc and asked Starpause to pass your info. They dood seemed excited about it though they are slow with communication i noticed as they are super busy still getting settled and units shipped.
I own a unit too and i got to say i really like the thing. it feels really solid and perfect for piggy. Hope this goes through.
best part... NO CLICKY SHOULDER BUTTONS!!!!!! those shoulders are psp quality in feel. ME GUSTA.
chunter wrote:If you know it always happens, try starting with lower volume settings in the first place and turn your output volume up. (that's what "headroom" means, btw)
this is the way to do it. when i start a track i always set the global volume all the way up and mix my instruments sounds low. mixing as you write in piggy is really vital as the clipping can be brutal.
another trick is to choose what sound is going to be the main interest for your songs and build your mix around that. since i do house type stuff it usually ends up being the kick drum. i set the volume full for that guy and build my mix around it to make sure it is clearly heard through out the song. this also helps to keep mix consistency from song to song for me as the main element stays the same volume from song to song.
to summarize/simplify and add mixing tips i have found are:
1) choose main elements of the songs and set at a high volume in mix with global volume up.
2) build your mix around those sounds making sure to make room in your instruments for these to remain in the front of the mix as you add things.
3) adjust volumes of all instruments as things get added but always keep the main sounds at the same volume.
4) when writing in different song files make sure your main sounds are always consistently the same volume.
5) when creating samples make sure to have a consistent db peak. It just makes things easier. it is better have a loud volume and just turn it down then it is to have a low volume and not be able to turn it up.
nah that guy, while the most complete available, still is missing model 3 and different sound mods available.
I think first things first we need a proper gcw port. The gcw is really nice. I like mine a lot but development is still slow.
The genesis really needs a good sound comparison page. the current ones are kinda meehh and very incomplete. would love to see this in full swing.
2.7 seems really cool. thinking about it. I just dont know if i could handle no notes again. that was one of the main reasons I ended up buying last time.
I personally am cool with my MD2 (unmodded). While distorted in the output circuit, it does an ok job. I find that when I write for the machine, I auto adjust when doing my sound design so that it sounds good for the model. The only time it bothers me is if I use the same patches on another model.
That CCM does look good though.
The MD2 version of the sound chip technically has the cleaner sound but a terrible amp system if i recall. The original chip was revised to get rid of that ladder effect and with higher resolution. People seem to like the first model because it was the original and people got used to the sound characteristics both good and bad parts.
100% disrespect. this is stupid.
I am not afraid to call it like it is.
THAT IS WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT. Kick ass stuff. Aly James you may have just turned yourself into a fave of mine.
Lol those written out sound examples probably do nothing for anyone.
I don't have a really good sample on hand but those bass sounds I made around 1:30 or so are kinda the FM synthesis i am talking about. This has been produced hardcore so it is probably hard to hear but I could totally make that on a genesis. Buuuut whatever. I wont subject you guys to my ramblings any more.
Posts found: 97-112 of 1,287
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