i agree (plus this means i won't need to spend $40 or less on buying a LSDJ cart!! big_smile)


(4 replies, posted in Releases)

I really didn't like reading it. But I downloaded it. I know the feeling all too well.


(7 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Seconded. The guy is dedicated


(85 replies, posted in General Discussion)




(21 replies, posted in General Discussion)

pixls wrote:

if you need it now you can get the digital here

isn't this on 8bitpeoples? or did i miss something ><


(11 replies, posted in General Discussion)

From what I know, there are a lot of people doing their thing in Vancity, just no scene. sad


(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)

That should be a new slogan. MYSPACE IS GARBAGE.


(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i gotta ask what's wrong with the new layout? i don't know...it seems a huge step up above the old one....

I'll take two. PM ME big_smile

Hey everyone. I'm having a bit of a problem and I was hoping to get some help figuring this out.

I ordered some stuff from this guy on 8bc a while back, a DMG and a few other things. We emailed each other back and forth, it was international shipping (he lives in Cali, I live in Alberta, Canada tongue). Anyway, he sent his package off October 8th, it went through customs but for some strange reason it got sent back.

I'm trying to figure out how this would happen. Normally, Canada Post attempts to make a delivery and if not possible, they just drop it off at the nearest depot and leave a notification for me to pick it up. Didn't happen. I got the tracking number from the sender (it only works for USPS though ><) and there's no info at all.

Reason why I'm writing this is because I wanted to know if anyone had gone through any similar situations before. Also, if anyone had any suggestions on what to do, the sender and I are trying to figure out if we should send this out again or what.

(feel free to move this if this is in the wrong area)


(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I read this as 'post-sniffing mofos'.

Which makes me realize, we've already gotten tired of sniffing mofos?



(1 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

For starters, I tried to click your download link only to find it's encrypted hmm
Uggh at that post on your wall auto-playing third rate post hardcore sad

But never mind that, you have some good stuff here.
i'd just recommend fixing up on your recording/mixing/mastering process, the triangles on Jesus Sucked Me Off sounded really distorted for some reason...but not bad...there's definitely a Wire-ish vibe to the entire EP...

Edit: Shit, I just realized I necroposted. MYBAD.


(58 replies, posted in General Discussion)

are we trolling the competition, lads?


(10 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i bought an "amp" from this guy on kijiji. $50
guy was an idiot and it turns out it was a speaker for a PA system big_smile

Much love to Arlen and Derris-Kharlan. I learned a lot from these fucks heart

Everyone else, I'd like to have sex with. That is all.


(5 replies, posted in Releases)

Uhh whut.