(11 replies, posted in Audio Production)

sorry, I was being sarcastic, I'm not usually a douche. wink

basspuddle's comment isn't entirely accurate. Playing live you're going to generally encounter one of three situations:

1. There is one mixer on the stage table that everyone is using to play their sets. Often this mixer will be a DJ mixer with RCA inputs primarily or only. This often happens at "chip shows".

2. A professional or semi-professional soundsystem is set up but they have no DI boxes, or only one DI box.

3. A professional soundsystem is set up and they have two DI boxes or a stereo DI box.

DI boxes almost universally take a 1/4" unbalanced input and output a balanced signal via XLR.

So the minimum to be prepared is to adapt whatever the output of your mixer is to stereo RCA, and then carry RCA->1/4" adapters for that (minimum cables, maximum flexibility). The next step would be to carry a stereo DI of your own, as well - that way you're ready to plug directly in via RCA, 1/4" or XLR.

So the extended version of my sarcastic answer is "Of course, you just need the right cables and maybe a DI box."


(11 replies, posted in Audio Production)


I've had the interface built for ages Batsly - if you need beta testers, pick me pick me!


(188 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Do whatever is cheaper for you. smile


(1,485 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Awww man, great chance to stock up on backlights and here I am out of $$. sad

Yeah, when I was building mine I kept thinking "there must be a way to power this from the genesis", but I never tried it for some reason... now I will. Thanks!

Nice! What would be the best way to make that happen on an existing 5pin DIN modded unit? Can you tell us where to put said jumper?


(8 replies, posted in Releases)

Thanks guys!

Meerenai revealed the packaging for the vinyl release today:

Does not come with dog, sorry.


(8 replies, posted in Releases)

I think I posted this promo video she made somewhere already. It's got footage from her performance of the piece at Rockage 2.0 last month.


(8 replies, posted in Releases)

A few years back, I was introduced to Meerenai Shim while working with her on Jonathan Mann's "Song-a-day" project. We became friends and fans of each other's work, and soon she commissioned a piece from me for flute and LSDJ, which became a 12 minute, 3 movement work titled "Flight of the Bleeper Bird".

That piece is on her record "The Art of Noise", which is currently pre-orderable.

There's also a 7" vinyl release of just "Flight of the Bleeper Bird", which is way awesome.

Check it out at http://meerenai.bandcamp.com/


(35 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Rarely, rarely buy CDs. Typically looking to buy a download, but well thought out packaging can sway me. Vinyl is king. Have big issues with the way CDs are produced, and the plastic that jewel cases are made out of. This is seriously affected the way I produce my own physical media, which has in turn affected sales, I could talk for miles about that.

I think the show on the 28th is turning into a chiptune show - greightbit is signed up to play, I'm looking for at least one more performer and a visualist. Get in touch with me!


(33 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Oh no, no guide followed, it's pretty logical and simple once you look at the connector. smile


(33 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

stargazer wrote:

Can you elaborate on this tugging more? Where exactly do you tug?

You're just bending the pins a bit so they grip the cartridge tighter.


(33 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Powerpak yes.

Also, I've had good luck with just taking the existing 72 pin socket out of the NES and tugging in all the pins (ALL the pins) and then putting it back in. You have to find a strong, pointy tool, ideally with a bit of an angle, to do the tugging.


(13 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)

GoingHam wrote:

On a side note: Is anyone else's SGB prosound lacking significant audio signal from the right channel?
Or is it just mine hmm
Cause I've prosounded two SGBs but this seems unavoidable.

Yes, I had the exact same problem. It was never more than a curiosity for me though, so I never put much time into a solution.