
(180 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

That is a stylin' diagram right there.


(62 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Edited the post massively. Added a bunch of stuff - everything is now for trade only. Wide range of things I'm looking for!


(53 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Space Town Saviour is when you have all your stuff backed up by a symphony orchestra.


(62 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I've gotten a lot of interest particularly in the CZ-1000, but nobody has followed through.
I'm willing to accept offers on the drum machine. My wife doesn't like it taking up space in the living room. smile

Oh, I'm also interested in trades:

*see top post for list of stuff I'm looking for!*

Octothorpe wrote:

because you could play to samples at once, so you could have a lofi "fifth channel"

likeluke wrote:


Oh thank goodness. My dreams of a godinpants/The Glowing Stars/Anamanguchi show NOT RUINED AFTERALL! *whew*

herr_prof wrote:

Ive been tapping my credit card on the screen  this youtube is playing on all day.. have you gotten my orders yet?


(180 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

This works and is amazing - thanks trash80! big_smile

As said above - you may have used a ton of 8-bit hardware, but it's either so buried in the mix or simply not present in the section you presented that we - a bunch of people well versed in the sounds of chip hardware - can't hear it at all. I think I heard a quick arp around 1:45 into the video. I'm not entirely sure though.

The video drags. The beginning has nothing to do with the rest.

If listening to your music doesn't make it clear what kind of music you make, I think you have a problem. Let me guess, do you guys have a producer who had you put this video together?

Here's some very specific suggestions:
a) Turn up the chip elements in your mix. If they're there at all, they can definitely stand to be more prominent.
b) Instead of all shots of the girl singing, you could include shots of the gameboy WHILE the song is playing, and cut out the "show-off" clips at the end. Shortens the video and makes the song more interesting.
c) If you're going to use the Zelda thing at all, put it AFTER you play your actual music. Get to the point sooner.


(180 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

trash80 wrote:

Found the issue. I just flashed a cart using the available rom and sure enough it doesnt work- My compiled version works as expected. I'll have a chat with Johan and see what the issue is. Meanwhile please email me at trash80@gmail.com

yaaaaayyyyy - thank you!


(180 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

trash80 wrote:

Missed notes are resolved by bumping up the delay setting.

After your last suggestion of delay settings, I tried a wide variety of settings, including 120,0, and higher. And lower. No luck.
I have also tried it with multiple DMGs, and a GBC.

undergroundclouds wrote:

Also I just bought some Eneloops yesterday so I might try those when I get home.

I use eneloops almost exclusively in my gameboys.


(62 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Awesome, PM or email me!


(180 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

By the way, this very accurately describes the problem I mentioned earlier in the thread and am still having. Seemly random and very occasional MIDI signals being sent, scienceguy arduinoboy with known correct wiring (I've sent MIDI thru many a time). I hope there's some kind of answer for this!

Let me know if I can offer any other info to help.


(7 replies, posted in Releases)

Decktonic wrote:
herr_prof wrote:

Who is dumb enough to do that?

The same people that say Owl City is a ripoff of The Postal Service.



(6 replies, posted in Sega)

alright I need to find a game gear, this is awesome


(62 replies, posted in Trading Post)

DL4 sold locally!