1,554 Sep 23, 2010 1:00 am
Re: GB Transferers II in-stock (3 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Time is money. You won't see me hassling them about that price, but you also won't see me paying it, because I can do most of that work myself.
Ironically, that is exactly why I feel their price is valid.
1,555 Sep 19, 2010 6:02 pm
Re: Problem w/ regular bleepbloop, missing component, no saving!? [SOLVED] (11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
If it looks like a knocked off surface resistor, smells like a knocked off surface resistor, disconnects the battery from the circuit like a knocked off surface resistor, and is talked about on other forums like a knocked off surface resistor...
1,556 Sep 19, 2010 6:29 am
Re: 48 Hour Challenge Me - Vol. 3 Finished (94 replies, posted in Collaborations)
No issues here, downloaded all 3. Really excellent first EP, and lots of great moments on the rest. Great work as always, looking forward to your next "serious" release.
1,557 Sep 16, 2010 4:00 pm
Re: Is there such a thing as a good cheap usb audio interface? :) (23 replies, posted in Other Hardware)
What, plugged in direct, or through an amp?
1,558 Sep 10, 2010 9:07 pm
Re: What's your non-chip musical background? (92 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Man, lots of variety here.
Classical piano for 12 years - except for the last half of that, my teacher and I mostly talked and studied 70's progressive rock...
Performed with a pretty big children's choir through elementary/middle school.
Seriously studied trombone for about 6 years through middle school/high school.
Took some bass guitar lessons in high school.
Went to college as a trombone major, but switched to composition as soon as they'd let me. Wrote for weird sized ensembles, unusual instruments.
Now self taught on accordion, drums, guitar, percussion. Work at the University I never graduated from, fixing, building, maintaining electronic gear for the music and theater departments. Do some professional theater sound design work, composing for dance.
I play and have played in a lot of different bands, almost always playing multiple instruments. Currently, a 6-piece folk/rock/chamber band, just stopped playing drums and synths in a 3-piece electro/rock/hip-hop/whatever outfit (they moved), and pursuing a chip project and a non-chip project of my own. I occasionally play low brass for Pomplamoose (the youtube band, not the J. Arthur Keene album).
I am very performance oriented, and have begun working in theater and dance related situations more and more, and concerning myself with costuming and dramatic elements in my music.
Build instruments more and more. I dabbled in chiptunes years ago, and am now getting back into it in a pretty serious way - writing, programming, modding.