(81 replies, posted in General Discussion)


not to get off topic or anything, but what the fuck IS dance music?
If I'm in the right mood, I can throw down to just about anything at any bpm, even if the time signature is "weird" or whatever. I just don't get it, is there supposed to be some sort of fucking music that your only allowed to dance to, and the rest is shit your supposed to just lie down with headphones on and pass out to? Fuck that, dance is a state of mind, not a fucking genre


(81 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Pixls: btw, people like me and An0va play house parties on occasion. I've been asked to "dj" a few times last year (which usually goes from me playing my triphop / "dubstep" ableton shit into some sort of weird gameboy dance party, except people are actually dancing). I've also been playing my more ambient, noisy stuff at first friday art shows, though I am by no means the first, Animalstyle regularly plays art shows in philly and abroad. Pixel8ter has been playing more crossover shows as well, with people like EOTO, helping to spread the chipluv all around.
Lastly, I haven't been to one of his sets yet, but apparently Dj CUTMAN has been playing mid-size to large-scale raves.

Idk about you guys in other cities, but as far as philly goes we tend to play out and about. I never thought it was possible to ONLY play chipshows haha. Also, I like performing OFF stage and on the ground floor every once in a while wink makes me feel less like a zoo exhibit and more like a person just trying to give some good vibes.


(81 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Why can't we all just get along? Blips, bloops, tomaytoes, tomahtoes, hardcore punk band, minimal techno, I always say.


(45 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I'd love a white screen cova!


(22 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i'm also interested as well

ah what the fucking fuck, why does this have to be on the same day as 8static?!?! (I totally know why but i'm still butthurt about it)
fuck fuck fuckity fuck

ant1 wrote:

do some "peformance art" while your music is playing

eme7h wrote:

Connect two gameboys and mix them.
Or make an arduinoboy and mix it with some Ableton stuff.
You know? You don't need to only press play, make it harder in purpose so you can have a little bit of difficulty while performing.

mixing 2 gameboys ftw. I remember when I used to write 8 channel lsdj stuff, at one point I lost my link cable so I started doing my mixes by hitting start on the beat and keeping things in sync manually. Occasionally the 2 gameboys would start running out of sync, but it forced me to develop my mixing skills to the point where I can fade in and out on the fly and keep it the levels smooth (hopefully haha).

Btw, fuck link cables, I find now it's easier and a lot better if you keep your jawns synced up manually than if you trust a link cable to hopefully not fuck up your connection.

nickmaynard wrote:
Reteris wrote:

what's so bad about hitting play and just fucking sitting down and staring at the audience

*shameless self whatever*


(4 replies, posted in Releases)

fucked up dirty gritty and heavy. GOOD SHIT. also diggin the full palette of sounds going on here

oh nice interview! not a huge fan of "rock" music myself, thought prog is one of the genres I can def dig.
prog electronic is where it's at, methinks

@Glenntai DO IT HOMIEE


(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'd much rather prefer some beer and weed anyway haha


(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I am an 8bc admin as well. Donate money to my paypal account. Donations of beer, cigarettes, and weed are also acceptable.


(10 replies, posted in Releases)

so chiptune it hurts

btw, I stand corrected, after listening to the track (and seeing the waveform obv) the clipping was not from the track being overdriven. Btw, I kinda liked it. Fuck proper mixing, make noise