Pixls: btw, people like me and An0va play house parties on occasion. I've been asked to "dj" a few times last year (which usually goes from me playing my triphop / "dubstep" ableton shit into some sort of weird gameboy dance party, except people are actually dancing). I've also been playing my more ambient, noisy stuff at first friday art shows, though I am by no means the first, Animalstyle regularly plays art shows in philly and abroad. Pixel8ter has been playing more crossover shows as well, with people like EOTO, helping to spread the chipluv all around.
Lastly, I haven't been to one of his sets yet, but apparently Dj CUTMAN has been playing mid-size to large-scale raves.
Idk about you guys in other cities, but as far as philly goes we tend to play out and about. I never thought it was possible to ONLY play chipshows haha. Also, I like performing OFF stage and on the ground floor every once in a while
makes me feel less like a zoo exhibit and more like a person just trying to give some good vibes.