673 Apr 27, 2012 2:02 am
Re: ASM - PCB Mount Pro Sound V3 @ Retromodding (494 replies, posted in Trading Post)
674 Apr 26, 2012 11:11 pm
Re: Removing front DMG logo, button labels, etc. (6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
You can use a Magic eraser and water to remove the text. This won't leave any abrasive marks or scratches. Only works on clear DMGs because of different finish.
Replacing it is difficult. For a stencil, you'd probably want an adhesive vinyl stencil, but the text is far too small for this method. Alternatively you can have a laser cut stencil made, which for obvious reasons won't look as good as an adhesive stencil.
675 Apr 26, 2012 7:27 pm
Re: ASM - PCB Mount Pro Sound V3 @ Retromodding (494 replies, posted in Trading Post)
676 Apr 25, 2012 10:50 pm
Re: LSDJ Keyboard Help Please (13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
DMG 04s don't have the 5v pin connected, and they have less redundant wires than most third party cables. So you have to sacrifice the ground pin to get the 5v. Kitsch, you may be confusing them with genuine gameboy color link cables, which I believe have the 5v pin connected.
I recommend you guys use a multimeter and the continuity setting to do this mod. You can't go by the wire insulation color because they're very rarely ever consistent. If you don't have a multimeter, you can make a DIY continuity tester with a battery and an LED, just don't use it for other applications.
677 Apr 25, 2012 8:46 pm
Re: ASM - PCB Mount Pro Sound V3 @ Retromodding (494 replies, posted in Trading Post)
678 Apr 25, 2012 5:24 am
Re: ASM - PCB Mount Pro Sound V3 @ Retromodding (494 replies, posted in Trading Post)
679 Apr 25, 2012 1:04 am
Re: ASM - PCB Mount Pro Sound V3 @ Retromodding (494 replies, posted in Trading Post)
680 Apr 24, 2012 11:55 pm
Re: ASM - PCB Mount Pro Sound V3 @ Retromodding (494 replies, posted in Trading Post)
681 Apr 23, 2012 10:06 pm
Re: lcd screen black! HELP! (11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
You can get the exact same symptoms from damage to the ribbon cable that connects the two boards. This happens all the time.
I've never used denatured alcohol, but rubbing alcohol evaporates within seconds, and you'd have to try very hard to short something out. However, if you short out the 18v for the LCD then you could surely do some damage.
682 Apr 22, 2012 4:37 pm
Re: GameBoy-DMG communicates with an SD card (17 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
Would this work with LSDJ? I don't know if the mapper is supported.
No, he mentioned it only supports MBC1. So a lot of games won't work. Also only supports 8kb ram and LSDj needs 128kb.
Still is a totally awesome mod.
683 Apr 21, 2012 4:27 am
Re: Multiple Pro Sound mods (14 replies, posted in Tutorials, Mods & How-To's)
I've always done the mod using the original headphone jack. This is how it's wired:
http://www.getlofi.com/wp-content/uploa gram_3.JPG
The thing is, I'm able to use headphones with it. Is this normal? Maybe I'm missing something somewhere? Does this version of the internal prosound mod actually work?
It'll work yes, but your left and right channels will be reversed because that diagram isn't correct.
684 Apr 20, 2012 1:20 am
Re: ASM - PCB Mount Pro Sound V3 @ Retromodding (494 replies, posted in Trading Post)
685 Apr 16, 2012 6:25 pm
Re: DMG with replaced SGB CPU - SALE!!! (20 replies, posted in Trading Post)
Also I do this PROPERLY with heated air. Not some clumsy soldering iron.
You're talking about removal of the CPU in this case, right?
686 Apr 14, 2012 8:13 pm
Re: ASM - PCB Mount Pro Sound V3 @ Retromodding (494 replies, posted in Trading Post)
687 Apr 14, 2012 5:36 pm
Re: HELP!! backlight fail!! (19 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
It's much more likely you did something wrong in the capacitor replacement. Since most of the caps are mounted with thru hole plated pads, you may have ripped out some traces. I'd do some continuity testing.
But first, the obvious course of action would be to just remove the backlight and see if it works. There's no reason it would cause power consumption problems. The resistors are built in, so it's a foolproof installation. Also check if the blotchiness is in the panel itself or the LCD.
688 Apr 14, 2012 4:54 pm
Re: HELP!! backlight fail!! (19 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
The panel may be broken then. Or else there's moisture underneath the layers.