



A little late, but one of these bad boys would have gone well with the green color scheme:


(53 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Here's the rom in action. So awesome.

So who bought the clear red one?

(PCB mount pro sound time!? big_smile)


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Nowadays backlights have just two wires to solder instead of component legs. They also connect to the regulated 5v source instead of to the batteries.

You can pick them up from Kitsch, and I sell the ones that he doesn't have in stock.

The damage to the ribbon cable most likely won't be visible. To me, it sounds like the brown ribbon cable under the LCD broke slightly. If you push on it with your finger while it's on, the screen should kind of flicker from normal to distorted. Sometimes fixable, but it's definitely not the backlight causing the problem. It would have happened during the removal of the polarized film/mirror foil.


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Yeah, if that panel isn't upside down, they look awful. I've seen those panels around... The installation is extremely outdated and they're overpriced.

The LCD problem is mostly likely the ribbon cable. One of them somewhere. Could be the big white one, or the brown one under the screen. There's a bad connection somewhere. You may need a new LCD. But you may have just not plugged it into the socket all the way.


(211 replies, posted in Trading Post)



(9 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Dang, I'm too late. If the other deals don't go through, I'm interested.



(211 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Evil Scientist wrote:

If you download the Pocket Emulation Collections ( http://www.zophar.net/pdroms/gameboy.html ) of public domain gb roms there are a few roms in there that are essentially slideshows of fullscreen images, might help you on your quest. I tried editing one but this was the best I could do:

This page seems to explain exactly how to do it: http://gbdev.gg8.se/wiki/articles/Displ … een_Images

But none of the .exe files needed seem to work for me, they just close as soon as I click on them.

Hey, that's pretty close!

Wish I could run those tools on my OS. I really want a rom with that graphic...


greightbit wrote:

Black DMG $160
... RCA pro-sound output, non-finite Triple LED back light, Clear buttons (and on/off switch), AND Break out box pitch kit allowing you to keep speaker and only have the pitch mod when you want it.

Haha, man... Your other thread made it seem like you were selling just the breakout box for $160.00. Now I feel bad about giving you a hard time about the price.

Anyway, good stuff.
