Punk as shit

haters get bent


We should all be frens


(4 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

It spills over to 2 pages when I'm looking now.



(25 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I have a crush on this one: http://www.8bitpeoples.com/store

holy balls

For anyone in Austin next month for SXSW, DO NOT EVER FORGET that there's a free screening of Reformat The Planet on Monday March 15th at the Alamo Drafthouse (South Lamar location). It is a good way to achieve a strong and trustworthy CHIPMUSIC BONER that will last you reliably through the following two days of DATAPOP 2010.

Reformat The Planet @ The Alamo Drafthouse
Monday 03 15, 10:30 pm
Alamo South Lamar
1120 South Lamar Blvd.
Austin TX 78704

Shit! I just realized I'll be out of town. FUUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK


(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Help the man out people!


(96 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I guess I just feel like the end result is only part of the picture. That's just me. Different people have different affinities for music, and that's fine. To me personally, an artist's intentions (which, you're right, are rarely knowable for sure -- but you can often guess pretty well) are almost as important as the musical result. If I feel like I'm being pandered to by a song, a band, whatever, I'm basically going to lose interest instantly, and that's a reaction having very little to do with how catchy a song is, or how well it's performed / produced. So that's one example of what I mean by artistic intentions, context, and so on. On some level I feel like most people -- especially people passionate about music -- have to feel somewhat the same way, no?


(96 replies, posted in General Discussion)

e.s.c. is saying -- and I mean it's right there in the quoted text -- "doing something thats a creative pursuit ONLY for money would be an example of the wrong reasons."

--> ONLY <--

There's nothing there contesting the idea that people are entitled to make music and earn money doing it. It just may not be very appealing to people who respond to music based on some sort of invested meaning or significance. If making money is a musician's ONLY motivation, then they're making music that's most likely devoid of meaning.

If you like music because of musicianship, virtuosity, technical ability, etc., then the presence or absence of emotional investment is a non-issue. If you like music because it has some emotional resonance with you, then it's not.

I can go to a wedding and see a fucking WICKED-ass wedding band that is the tightest, turn-on-a-dime ensemble, that is extremely versatile, skilled, operates brilliantly as a unit, and playing all the songs I know and love. I will probably dance like crazy at the wedding. Am I going to buy their CD out of an interest in hearing it later? Probably not. Do I dismiss what they do, or ignore their skill and ability, or begrudge them a living? Definitely not. Skill, ability, technical talent / proficiency are admirable, and so is the ability to make a living as a musician -- but those things just aren't the reason I listen to music.

Re: the question of "who in their right mind would make music just for the money" -- you're assuming that working just for the money must mean hating music. Haven't you ever worked at a job you didn't really like? Maybe a job you didn't hate, didn't love, but there was a steady paycheck involved, so you just sort of run with it. There are definitely musicians out there in that situation, with that job being music.

And that's fine -- but is it honest music? Is it saying something? If someone's making music but isn't really putting any passion in it -- is it still interesting music? Some might say yes, some might say no. Depends on the reasons a given person listens to music.

So maybe the whole statement needs to be attenuated, let's make it more specific: "if you're out to make music with meaning, doing it ONLY for money would be an example of the wrong reasons."

On topic: I have no real opinion about I Fight Dragons signing to Atlantic, they seem like earnest guys who love what they do and they seem sensible enough to make informed decisions.

Sabrepulse wrote:


Great word, or greatest word?


(96 replies, posted in General Discussion)

also likeluke wins and rules


(96 replies, posted in General Discussion)

10k wrote:

gargles balls



(14 replies, posted in Releases)

Ohh shit! Downloading nao