
(14 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

so i think that at this point, the one thing can could really move forward the "gameboy sound" for both live applications and recording would be the ability to record/mix all four channels separately but simultaneously, ie. have a stereo out each for WAV, NOI, PU1, PU2. The ability to run effects to seperate channels, compress bass, put reverb or delay on leads, actually set levels... all in real-time... would be pretty much amazing.

How possible is this? Would this be something that could be accomplished break-out-box style, having a separate unit with 4 gameboy soundchips slaved to the link port of a master DMG running LSDJ or whatever? or could you just link a master DMG to 4 regular DMGs and cripple/mute the channels that you dont want on each?  i am hoping some of the dev crew can enlighten me!

maybe this is something that has even been done before, that im just not aware of?



(17 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

WOW. i wonder how the sound is...

i will usually refresh 3 or 4 times, then give up when nothing changes. then come back in 10 minutes or whatever and it'll work fine

nothing comes up. just a barren, black space devoid of any music or merriment of any sort.

perhaps this question has been addressed before, if so plz ignore.


(5 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

very nice!! the vibe is very different from almost any nes track ive heard. i was hoping that NTRQ would wind up having a distinct sound from midines or .nsf ports (cuz if the interface maybe?) and this seems like some confirmation


(37 replies, posted in Past Events)


Turtle413 wrote:

Q: Can I set up spot/booth at one of these events, to sell LSDJ Keyboards?
... I'll can help donate a portion of my profit towards the bands/venue etc.
(someone who's running this gig should PM me... and we can discuss this further.)

I'm kicking myself for not attending the last few shows, because of not having the funds and transportation in gear, to get there sad But you'll see my ugly turtle ass there one of these days! wink

yeah man, shoot an email to my sig, we'll figure something out ;D


mushpot wrote:

Damn guys. On the ball !

THANKS JENN. right back at you ;D

Glenntai wrote:

we'll probably have an open mic too, more organized than last time ;D

i need to gauge interest first, and get some confirms though...

Hmmm... you know, if I can get something together and not be stuck working that night, I might tell you to count me in for a song.

sounds good, let me know.

also... chip7 pics????

we'll probably have an open mic too, more organized than last time ;D

i need to gauge interest first, and get some confirms though...


(41 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

pardon the offtopic, but does anybody have a links to tracks written on NTRQ? im really interested in seeing what it can do

props on the free publicity mayne! dont let the haters get you down ;D


(39 replies, posted in Releases)

geh, you guys are just as bad as 8BC. although i dont personally LOVE LOVE LOVE IFD, i wish them well on their musical journey and dont believe that their success is in any possible way detrimental to chipmusic. (congrats dudes!)

also @scienceguy: good for you, like what you like and don't give in to the hate!


(37 replies, posted in Past Events)

Glenntai wrote:

Hey guys, that show was insane!  I knew I missed out when you held the show in Salem months ago, and I'm glad to see it's went beyond my already high hopes for a growing, popular scene in the general Boston area!

Speaking of which, I wrote an article on Chip6 and Boston8Bit in general.  More (and better) pictures will be coming soon, my buddy's camera needs repairs apparently, but I'm going to try to get them asap and post them online.

Click it.


Let me know when then pics go up ;D

Boston 8-Bit Presents: Chiptune 7!

Tues, May 18th @ TT The Bear's Place
10 Brookline St., Cambridge, MA
8pm Doors, $7, 18+


Br1ght Pr1mate (Boston) / http://www.brightprimate.bandcamp.com

Forest World (Utah) / http://okikumi.com/2010tour/epk.html

OK Ikumi (Utah) / http://okikumi.com/2010tour/epk.html

Vickysbooties (MA & NJ) http://www.myspace.com/vickysbooties

Machinery of Nature (Lincoln, MA) http://www.myspace.com/machineryofnature

The Attic Bits (MA & NH)  http://www.myspace.com/theatticbits


With special guests NOM STAR and DJ Radio Scotvoid, Visuals by VJ Beyonder and a Chiptune open mic!

Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/eve … amp;ref=ts


(37 replies, posted in Past Events)

"so this is my last song... and i want everybody to kill everybody" - OxygenStar