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Topics by dasid
Posts found: 129-144 of 168
trying to sync at least 3 micros.
i've seen that 4 plug ended micro cable thingee in this thread:
but I have no clue where to get one. don't see them for sale anywherez. and does that cable actually work for slaving more then 1?
on that note, the standard micro sync cables have that little extension box in the middle. i cannot use that to slave 2 micros to a master (doesn't work), but... is there a mod to make it work that way similar to the DMG-07 mod?
"Oh have you HEARD of DARK SIDE OF THE MOON look at this album art it's like a RAINBOW~" bullshit
sounds more like a prism to me...
as a kid i would get a big chuckle at 'The Wall's artwork. Giant butt wearing a judge wig lol.
back to topic,
i think it's great to have physical formats available, but maybe save them for special releases. Digital is great for pumping out endless short EP's, but make the physical format a comp of EPs ya know? (unless of course you are putting out 7"s)
thats what i thought. thanx! at least my workaround does the trick 
ahhh. hmm. has anyone done this?
yes it's fine in my GBC and ori GBA, i just want that lit screen without investing in a mod! 
its an easy fix and its not THAT crooked of an angle really (hardly noticeable at all) but it makes all the difference for me getting that black bar or not. i only have one SP so i can't verify if its an SP only problem, but for me it is.
dasid wrote:also seems to work fine on my original GBA, just not my sp.
I'm lucky if it loads at all on the sp.
just to update this SP loading/black bar issue of mine, (this might just be my SP) i figured out if i make sure to push the left side of the cart in deeper then the right (slightly crooked) it loads everytime and works as well as it does on my regular GBA -so that means it still crashes easily. but if i dont do anything fancy (like save!) it works ok.
it seems like the Advances are best just for playback.
geckoyamori wrote:Mastering was something you just did for vinyl originally. It's really redundant if the music is released on a digital format.
this is a fun one 
i miss saturday morning cartoons. poor kids today dont know what their missing.
love it. wearing mine now. very comfy 
Didn't see this topic yet so I'm starting it.
I missed shitbird which I'm really sad about but I really needed that nap after being upright traveling since early Tuesday. Got there in time for chipocrite who put me in a great mood immediately. George and Jonathan got ass moving and was a great nite 1 closer. Codec almost eating it falling on stage was epic.
Most pathetic crowd surfing ever. Nobody could hold anyone up. Or just didn't want to 
After some real sleep I'm super ready for tonight. Can't wait for Wizwars.
Say hi, ill be wearing the bourgeoisie space invaders shirt.
So after being on a bus since Tuesday morning, here I am @ port authority. Ahhhh! Gonna run around until my 3pm check-in time @ the Bowery house. See you tonite. Will someone provide "hello my name is" stickers at blip?
i recently posted a jam i did with Kool Skull that is exactly that. I'm on NL 2.5 and Kool is on LSDJ.
spacetownsavior wrote:putting a lot of time into the album art and packaging also shows that you really care about the audience's experience, which is really important in this day and age of disposable music!
and Auxcide - that art doesn't stand out to me, BUT i do like the track 
just last week booked a cheap 'cabin' cubicle for the weekend at The Bowery House. only a mile and a half from the venue. They
might still have vacancies if you are looking for just a bed. shared rooms as well so CHEAP (if vacancies are available). Place itself looks pretty cool...
Posts found: 129-144 of 168 / Forums / Posts by dasid