(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

is this a birthday thread for me?


(11 replies, posted in Trading Post)

updated the first post and added the FLANGER HOAX.

j. arthur keenes
infinity shred
slime girls
bc likes you
chips challenge


(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

you could also do muddygb! that's not gba specific, it's for the original gameboy too, but it does basically what you want!


(11 replies, posted in Trading Post)

both are sold! i'll be posting more stuff throughout the week.

can you share examples?


(11 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I will get back to everyone regarding the FB-01 when I get home from work in a few hours!


(11 replies, posted in Trading Post)

celsius wrote:

How much for the rug?

it's actually an ottoman. :-)


(181 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Solarbear wrote:

That being said, the true goal of chip musicians should be fun, music or community! The more of those three things you have, the better the chip musician you are! THOSE are the things we should dream about!

i could not agree more. WELL SAID.


(11 replies, posted in Trading Post)

[ more pictures here ]


If you love crazy sounds, this is an amazing pedal. It has two different phasers that flow into a modulator that then feedsback on itself ( I think??). Modezero.com says “The FH can be described as a through-zero flanger (TZF) with a phase shifter preceding each of the two analog delay lines whose outputs are combined to produce the TZF effect.” If this sounds complicated, it is. And it’s awesome.

As a guitar effect, it’s decent for some good subtle phasing and flanging but it’s not made to be subtle. This thing sounds weirder than any guitar pedal I’ve ever used. It excels as a an effect for electronic keyboards and Gameboys. If you were a noise musician, you could probably do a whole set with just the pedal alone.

Here’s a good review of it - http://www.modezero.com/flanger-hoax.htm

Here’s a good video describing how it can be used with guitar - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xhHbK120xk

Here’s a good video of it being used more abstractly - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUUc5XfSiG4

I’m asking $150 for this. It comes with the original manual, box, and power supply. I never used it at any shows so it’s in almost perfect condition.


(85 replies, posted in General Discussion)

back on topic -

noisewaves / party time hexcellent set at '11
starscream set at '11


(85 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Lazare wrote:
VCMG wrote:

So what artists would you "blow out" for then?

Out of the artists I've heard from digging around this site,

Je Mappelle (The J-Pop album he has posted is pretty stellar)

I've already mentioned Saskrotch, his newer stuff is even more impressive to me than the older.

Sabrepulse (DUH!)

Starpilot seems to be pretty rad from what I've heard on the release page.

Minusbaby has some pretty original sounds going for him

J. Arthur Keene also seems to appeal to me

most of those people played at blip festivals.



(181 replies, posted in General Discussion)

i want to thank everyone involved in setting up every one of the blip festivals. the two i was lucky enough to attend rank among the best shows i've ever been to. even setting up small shows can be an insane amount of work and the fact that they were able to set up so many, so well, featuring such an incredible variety of amazing artists is as inspirational as it is humbling.



(42 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

roboctopus wrote:
snesei wrote:

I always wanted to try making a 2xLSDJ song but get strayed away from the thought of having to fill 8 channels lol,

You don't *have* to fill all 8 channels!  That 2nd DMG can be very effective adding chorus effects or super stereo echoes to your leads.  Or 2 channel stereo arps or something.  Try writing a 1xlsdj song and then using the 2nd DMG to just fill the sound out.

this is great advice. many, if not all, of the 2xLSDJ songs you love do NOT have all 8 channels going at once.


(42 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

GoingHam wrote:

Is there any easy way to compose with 2xLSDJ?
As of right now the only way I know to compose while hearing both DMGs is feeding them into a mixer.

yeah that's the only way to do it.

CTLGS wrote:

ideally i want 9 more people

9 more? in addition to how many?

10+ acts is a really really really long show. even with fast change over times, that's going to be at least 6 hours, maybe more depending on how many more you have playing.

honestly, i'd suggest doing something smaller if you've never set up a show before. there's so much to worry about even with small shows. i'm setting up a show with 8 bands in december and i've needed so much help to coordinate it. i can't imagine doing something even bigger as the first show i'd ever set up.

best of luck though!