(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

alex_mauer wrote:

i consider it a VGM related instrument - absolutely - i used to have one... they're awesome - in the same league as the Yamaha FB01 unit - you could technically modify your MT32 to have a non-volatile RAM chip so that turning it off would not erase your patches - altho i have never attempted this trick

so... is it chiptune? not really... but that doesnt mean you wont get street cred for using real VGM hardware

What program do you use for your FB-01 jams?

an0va wrote:

Yo chipbands: how do you find the midpoint between noise channel and live drummer interaction?

We don't, haha. We don't use the noise channel at all, as you may have noticed.


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

sure. have you written a song with it?

here's what seems to work for me...

turn the amps down, they don't NEED to be so loud. i also turn the treble up a little more on the guitars because a lot of muddiness comes from the bass and guitars fighting over the same frequencies.

however, muddiness can be really hard to avoid when you have a lot going on. in revengineers songs, i try not to have the gameboy doing a ton of stuff at any given time, and to not have the guitars and gameboy playing leads at the same time (unless it's harmonized or in unison). songs can be muddy because the individual EQ's of each instrument, but i tend to think songs are more often muddy because of how they are composed.

i'm at work right now and so i can't listen to your examples but i will later and post again if i have any specific comments.


defiantsystems wrote:

I have the majority of patches from the old patchbook on my LSDJguides YouTube channel. I do have some of the the one from the BRKbook. Haven't uploaded any in awhile but I do occasionally. There's 27 instruments so far. Shit, now that I've seen the total count I think I'll spend the day making some videos.


anytime anyone asks me about how to learn how to make chip music, lsdjguides is always the FIRST resource i point them to.

GOOD LUCK man. This is a gigantic undertaking. 10 to 12 bands? Wow.


(85 replies, posted in Trading Post)



(11 replies, posted in Releases)

yessssssssssssssss. congrats dudes!


(69 replies, posted in Audio Production)

not cassette but i did record a song with my reel to reel a few weeks ago.



(7 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Yeah, I'll do one! Whichever track is picked last.

Edit - actually, I want #4!


(5 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

I’m strongly considering buying one of these (the Korg Electribe ES-1). Does anyone have any experience with them? LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK.

pixls wrote:


i plan on not submitting a track for the next round.

who won????


(12 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Slumpy wrote:
nickmaynard wrote:

to be fair, you could answer a lot of these questions for yourself after you get the cartridge.

I was under the impression that the games had to be flashed onto the cartridge with a GB transferrer; does the USB port on the cart itself allow me to drag & drop roms in and out?

Yeah, the USB port allows that.


(14 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Glitch Militia wrote:

I don't really know how much this stuff is worth, so please make some offers.

actually the rules say you have to list prices.