my 8bit bands tumblr page. also where i will probably post about most of the mods i do. is an online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels.
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my 8bit bands tumblr page. also where i will probably post about most of the mods i do.
i've got a firepod, so i've got no need for the firebox, but i just wanted to chime in and say that presonus makes some seriously high quality gear. i've loved my firepod and gotten tons of use out of it. i'd highly recommend the firebox to anyone who's unsure of buying this one.
i've only been through customs for one tour, and just to be safe i figured out how to program my usb game pad as a midi controller so i wouldn't be lugging a keyboard around with me. it was a safety precaution, because i think if you're getting paid for a gig, it can be considered working in their country, and you'd have to get some kind of working visa to do it (i think, i could be completely wrong)
this is definitely true for americans playing shows in canada.
but most of my gear would pass as video game equipment, so it makes lying a lot easier.
low-gain wrote:Ableton has issues syncing midi clock. it always has.. since day one. it's always needed minor adjustment
i love you logan but I call bullshit. I've been using Ableton since day one and I'm using sync now. Perfectly fine. MY old ninja sync cable worked great, no "knotching" needed (which really im guessing is just a sync byte skip routine for the minus and a add a fake sync byte for the plus) ... Which is why I built the Aboy, i knew there was a better solution than my lsdjmc2 ... By the way I should mention that my LSDJMC2 was the original firestarter one and not the one by logan.
yeah, i never really had any problems syncing with ableton either. i would use an arduinoboy and a midi nes together and i never noticed anything not playing accurately.
why not convert to MP3 and just playback that way on a ds?
i mean what's the difference?
file size maybe?
Ground to one of the main ground points on the PCB.. additional tips/donations are always welcome
PM me too with your address but you can paypal to: logan [at] lowgain-audio [dot] com
thanks for the tip man. unfortunately i changed my mind about the pedal. now that i've done it, i realized i can just use any normal sustain pedal for a keyboard, and between me and my girlfriend (not to mention my band) i have like, 6 of them. sorry dude.
i did the mod tonight and it rules. i posted a little how-to on it over at my band's tumblr - set-mod-so
pedal up, NES on.
pedal down, NES off.
this is true... and would certainly be a handy deal! Thanks!
Should anyone come across a way to sync start/stop the two that would be incredible!! lol
i could not agree more.
not currently.
but you could use something like midi nes and an arduinoboy to control both the NES and the DMG via midi.
then you'd get the sounds of both instruments together and in sync.
I did this type of mod to a game boy once for the start button a few years back.... here's a picture of it.
just a simple momentary footpedal pushbutton. wired it up to a 1/4" jack and then an 1/8" jack on the dmg... (same spot as my audio mod jack location)
Works very nicely. it can be wired for normally open or normally closed.. which was fact.. if anyone wants they.. they can have it for cost of shipping ($5-6)
what's the casing made out of? if it's sturdy enough for me, i'll buy it.
i always thought this mod was kind of neat -
but i never did it because i never really had the excuse. but yesterday i bought a bunch of guitar pedals to use with my NES and i remembered this mod.
could you use one of those amp channel switcher pedals with the remote reset mod, so you can have a reset button as a floor pedal?
i'm talking about a pedal like these -
TL2811.gif switch.jpg
this would be kind of useful for me because sometimes at shows i'll have to reset but i'll be busy playing guitar or doing something else with my hands.
anyways, any thoughts on this?
Oh man! Most of the white hair on my head is all thanks to MIDINES. Stuck notes FTL!
seriously! i never totally got the hang of my midi nes, and now i've traded it for a guitar amp.
We gotta jam for realz sometime, Nick!
yeah man! or at least play a show sometime.
edit: If you want to play shit live, in real time, like a synth, for real... plogue chipsounds VST wins. Period.
or midi nes!
i like to experiment.
i usually grab a few different values (i have a *pot bag*, lulz)
and just try them out. many times i will see the range seems
to big, (e.g. half the pot does nothing, or has no change)
other times its too small (turning the pot a tiny bit make a
huge change). just play around till you find an adequate value.
i would love to be able to do that, but i don't have any pots lying around. my girlfriend's dad has a ton though, maybe i can ask him about it. / Forums / Posts by nickmaynard