Bump -- Im feeling charitable.. if you are an active developer or badass chip scene musician, ill sell the hardsid4u for $100 off, so $350 plus shipping. Any takers?

I determine what active and badass means, obviously.

I think the problem is not having one place to view everything, but finding the gems amongst the flood.. it would be cool to track links and likes and have some sort of web metric social voting for the stuff you should try and check out.

Well its great place to offend people over a minor slight that they will use to splinter a popular web forum, and then slag future iterations of the events for years to come apparently.

No one has told me why eurovision is a big deal. Don't make me read some wiki bullshit.

I dont understand eurovision, is it the Olympics of terrible high energy euro pop?


(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I was hoping this thread was about people pantomiming visuals to match the stream.


(54 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Sometimes I feel like I have nothing in common with you people.


What time does this start EST?


(89 replies, posted in General Discussion)

No stream bros.


(21 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I know you arent interested in link port, but a long time ago I asked the dev to explain how sync works over tcpip, in case someone wanted to hack some midi sync into BGB using maxmsp network objects or something, so Ill copy pastah this for the web.

be warned that GB link in BGB is messy, nothing is guaranteed, YMMV.

4 byte commands are sent over tcp connection, which can either do game link or remote controller.
TCP-correctly, you can send bigger TCP packets with multiple 4-byte commands if desired.

BGB does a "link frame" 1024 times per second (the time needed to send 8 bits in slow link mode).
it then sends data if the GB code was sending as master, and it replies if it received something and is slave.

a real GB can either be put in master mode or slave mode by the GB code.

offset    size    desc

0    1    b1 (command number)
1    1    b2
2    1    b3
3    1    b4

command number:

value    name            desc

1    linkcmd_version       
    queries link version of remote side. this only changes if the link compatibility is changed.
    currently: b2=0, b3=85, b4=1

101    linkcmd_joypad
    remote control joypad. the receiving side executes or ignores this based on setting.
    bits of b2:
    bits 0-3 (low 4 bits) are the button number
    bits 4 is on/off state
    bits 5-7 must be 0.

104    linkcmd_sync1
    send link byte as master
    b2 = SB register
    b3 = SC register
    b4 = low 8 bits of link frame counter

105    linkcmd_sync2
    send link byte as slave (in response to master).

107    linkcmd_linkspeed
    b2 = speed shift value. sets link frame to happen 2^(b2) times per second, default is 10 (1024 Hz)

2nd in line!

nitro2k01 wrote:

Where's da farking live stream btw? Don't tell me there isn't one...

Sorry - Doesnt look like there will be one this year.

I wont be a blip, but if you want to email me when you get back ill hold it till next week.

Nanoloop 1.3 sold!

Yea Demake < remake.