
(10 replies, posted in General Discussion)

What a goof.


(35 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Shouldn't you check with Neil before changing the terms of your deal? How hard is it to stick $5 at the end of the price really?

Nope, synthedit is windows only.

Still cool!


(37 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Hey somone is selling this mod now:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl … yISozPVz4g

Jeepers creepers!


(35 replies, posted in Trading Post)

How would you handle the sram? Anyway to backup songs?

Your parents should made love earlier, what can we say?


(180 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Speaking of which.. who here is using it ? I'm using it on almost every song in the live set, if not as a sequencer, at least a preset manager.


TraceKaiser wrote:

Seems pretty cool, though yeah, it seems to have totally missed out any of the bigger people in the Euro scene.

You can never win big_smile

I'm dumb too, but it seems you are running a simple math program in c, and sending the output to the audio device directly where it is interpreted as rhythmic audio.

So this is the only gig i have planned for Manhattan for the rest of all time, so if you like me, you might want to git on it!

So psyched to be playing with everyone!

Chicken or the egg? smile

Well the best way to keep interest going is code releases, we are following, and are waiting!


(180 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Yea, Tim, at least up to the new latest stable: full_version/lsdj4_5_4-stable.zip Please ! big_smile

Hey.. it was 1999 - I thought it was AMAZING.