(123 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

I plan to use NTRQ as a live tool, just like LSDJ, so having the original song files intact is important.

bleo wrote:

You're too new.  It's been requested in the past.

I don't doubt that.

But it hasn't been implemented and I don't see what huge benefit it would provide IF added at this point.

If NTRQ is anything like LSDJ, a single song file won't even transfer to an .NSF correctly as it could be played/manipulated several different ways. Maybe a single play session to an .NSF could work, but eh, it still seems like a feature to worry about much later.

What's the point though?

LSDJ doesn't dump files to a.. well, whatever format Game Boy music files are in.. and I've never heard anyone complain about it.

I would say development should continue on making it a stronger tracker/player/tool, etc. for now and add extraneous features when the tracker/player/tool cannot really be improved on anymore.


(21 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Isn't part of the charm of chip music the limitations the hardware brings with it? I mean, maybe that's not the same for everyone but personally I LIKE hearing the raw sounds of a Game Boy or a C64 and marveling at how talented people can work with the hardware to create something wonderful from it. If you're going to write a song on a Game Boy and then post-process it all to hell, why not just use modern software from the start?


(123 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Neil, thanks for clearing that up. I haven't had a chance to mess with it yet (as I've been waiting to play on real hardware).

In that case, I could probably deal with a cheaper solution just to get my feet wet.


(123 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

I am very interested but the single song save is a real sticking point to me.

So I would be willing to pony up for the fully loaded version if you go up for it. I can also send my own donor cart(s).


(39 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Fucking A.

Congratulations dude.

Thanks to everyone that showed up and BIG HUGE FUCKING thanks to prince_s and I, Cactus for putting it together.

Bit Shifter wrote:

Photos! Video! Report!!!!!

My girl took some video/pictures of my set but dropped off after that as she had to keep stepping outside due to all the cigarette smoke. I'll post or link to them here when I get them. I saw a lot of other people taking pictures and video so I have to imagine they'll show up on Facebook or something.

Bah, should I bother to keep waiting to get a manual with my copy? They're still selling it cart only for the time being.

Want so bad.

mechlo wrote:

Am I the only one who thinks that 29.00 is a little steep for a NES game?  There are only a select few games that I'd pay that much for on the NES.

Well, this is a brand new game, where many, many hours of real development time went into it (probably far more than shit you see on stuff like iPhones and other mobile devices) since it has to be coded in pure assembler on a CPU that has a 1.79 MHz clock rate.. plus materials to create the circuit board, plastic casing and manuals. It really isn't the same as making an app that makes a fart sound effect that you can sell for 99¢.


akira^8GB wrote:

PAL A doens't exist.

Yes, it does. Europe has PAL-A and PAL-B NES systems, not sure the specifics but I think it's a regional (or publisher) thing.

akira^8GB wrote:

Asian systems are NTSC.

Asian and Hong Kong NES systems are PAL.

akira^8GB wrote:

They may be errors anyway. Bad day to post any news, guys xD

A little research goes a long way.

akira^8GB wrote:

The graphics are in no way hot, still.

Compared to what, exactly? The graphics are on par with some commercially released NES games and many of them had large teams of developers and artists. The graphics are fine on their own and outstanding considering the game's graphics and development were handled by one guy. It's rather unrealistic to compare a one-man homebrew game to say, Mega Man 6.

akira^8GB wrote:

this is an april 1st


The game is entirely a one-man homebrew project (at least, I believe it is) and if you've followed the NES homebrew community you'll understand how amazing this is as almost much every other homebrew NES game released are simple puzzle games, etc. I've been trying to get a copy but they sell out the day they get it in stock and the one time I've seen it in stock, they were selling a cart-only version, so I'm still waiting.

Sabrepulse wrote:

if Xinon was on that lineup it would literally be my dream show

In my bloodlust over seeing Hip Tanaka, I completely missed this omission.


Nullsleep wrote:

+ More To Be Announced


10k wrote:

Wish I could come. :-(


USK? So, so, so jealous.

Man, I wish I had better luck finding cheap flights.