egr wrote:

Muthafukin gargoyles, son!

Ooops, I think those Oakleys were actually called "Blades"?  Anybody remember?

Hey, these might be perfect to fit an FM chip into!  wink

Muthafukin gargoyles, son!

I'll be busy looking happier than this baby:

I didn't catch a lot of specific references but Britta's character did the Princess Peach jump-and-float move at least once.  smile

EDIT:  Calling dibs on Clown Face Helicopter, Giant Ant Dance Party, and Antiphysics Horse

Sooooo can anybody comment on the usability of the GC controller?  Can you map the buttons or anything?  Just get a different controller?

best list of band names ever.

How does the button layout work for lsdj on this?

Cool!!  Community is easily the best comedy on TV right now.  BY FAR.  I was terrified that the rumors of it being cancelled were true but I guess not! … bc/133476/

Added stickers to first post!


(21 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

It'd be hard to keep it from being how many people "have" versus how many they've "used".  I've got a box full of DMGs but I can't claim to be using any of them.  tongue

Don't get your hopes up, the initial run probably won't be more than grevlin or hablob units.

Shadow-Bit wrote:

Okay number one i hate you herr_professer dumb ass. and two how much is it?

Have you read the entire thread?  If so, you know as much as anyone else.  Dumb ass.

Connect your cart, start the software, click "Save SRAM"

Edit:  Or it might say "Read SRAM", can't remember right now.


(97 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

nitro2k01 wrote:

egr: Hint, in that picture, you can see a 1 and a 32 written in visible copper. wink

Ha!  OK, got it.


(97 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

nordloef wrote:

Yes. Use pin 31.

Could somebody mark the exact location on the cart pic in the first post for me?