catskull wrote:

Lol wtf? That Cool Spot Gaming link is kinda funny, they're using reflashed bootleg pokemon games which only have 32k sram and thus only hold one song at a time. I used to offer the same thing but stopped because I wasn't comfortable with the quality.

But the real WTF is they're using an LSDJ label I designed YEARS ago, I don't even have the files anymore and though they were totally lost! Kinda cool!

That's pretty weird but I guess kinda flattering? tongue

Are you using the ROM that you pulled from the cart in the emulator as well? Try downloading a new copy of LSDJ and load your sav into that in the emulator. If that fixes the problem then you can reflash the rom and sav onto the cart and you should be good. If its actually the sav that's corrupted then you'll next help from somebody like nitro2k01.

Gala wrote:

I'm not sure anything make sense here, but I really enjoy the weird concept of "chiptune drum pattern".

bloop blip bloop blip bloop blip bloopbloop blip


(8 replies, posted in Releases)

Awesome, bookmarking for this evening!

Thanks for checking it out, y'all heart

Link: … t-campaign

-{[Dungeon & Bass ]}-

Gritty, gloomy Game Boy drum and bass echoing out of a forgotten subterranean temple. Adventurers march single file to their doom. Or glory.

Purchase includes the 40+ minute ambient track "Atmoshphere" made with the album's backing sounds as well as the LSDJ 6.1.8 sav file and all art work.

Released in cooperation with Catskull Records:

CD + Stickers bundle

Includes the full album and bonus track "Atmosphere". Two AoF stickers so you can share with a friend. You get all the digital bonus items too.

Potentially. My main considerations would be sound quality, latency, and how much modification the GB case would require.

Joined smile

Good news, everyone!

You could sort through this archive, probably your best bet - … ive-stuff/

Edit - oops, looks like that link is gone

Yo! big_smile I haven't downloaded a new chip release in a long time but this is an instanab!

yikes  oh my

Freque wrote:

Chiptune is for faggots and fat people. You stunted nostalgic fucks can't run a mile, let alone a scene.

Heil Hitler.


Hey, buddy. Fuck you.

defensem3ch wrote:
egr wrote:

"SameBoy has to be built using msys2 (mingw) on Windows" is confusing me, is that something I should be doing?

nope only if you want to build it from source!

fyi there was an issue about sameboy not playing samples correctly, it's fixed in retroplug v0.4

I'm finding that changing my audio buffer size changes the RetroPlug play speed in a way unrelated to Live's bpm... does that make sense at all?

I'm running this successfully in Live but have a few issues. I just loaded the vst from the download. The section about "SameBoy has to be built using msys2 (mingw) on Windows" is confusing me, is that something I should be doing?