Interesting plan!  The "data side" of your device, the arduino, will require power regardless so you may be more pleased in the long run if you just go ahead and make the other sections active.



(24 replies, posted in Releases)

This is really good and the way it is all tied together and loops back around at the end is cool.  Listening to it on "random" is freaky too tongue

e.s.c. wrote:

1.3 is pretty close to 1.5/1.6.3 as far as layout, etc... 1.0-1.2 have the different song screen/3 channels/etc

Aha!  That's what I was trying to remember, thanks.

(the combined pulse channels, i mean)

e.s.c. wrote:
egr wrote:

What were some features of 1.1 that are different from now?  I can't seem to find the manual anywhere online to get a description.

roughly the same as 1.2, but only one custom waveform instead of 16 for the s channel, if i remember correctly

Cool, was wondering if this was one of the versions that had the different song editor or channel layout but I guess that was 1.3?

EDIT: nope, 1.3 wasn't what I was thinking of either, must have just made it all up tongue

Alpine wrote:

Interesting. When I pull an all nighter/ 2 all nighters in a row, I often feel quite paranoid, like there's something around me. Going to ask a few people that I know who take durgs to see if they've ever had anything similar.

Pardon me while I overshare for a moment:

Several years ago I was in the middle of a terrible alcoholic/depressive/bad-relationship spiral.  Every night that I was off, and most nights that I wasn't, I would chug my way through a liter of Early Times and then "pass out" on the couch until I could walk well enough to go get more.  I lost about 40 pounds and had most of the people I worked with terrified that I would just fall over dead at any moment.  I physically felt like complete shit anytime I wasn't actively drinking.  But the worst part of it all was the horrible sense of doom and "being watched" that set in whenever I would start to sober up.  I can't imagine being more frightened than I was at that time just sitting on my bed in the middle of the afternoon convinced that there was a crowd of zombies or KKK or AA watching me and recording everything I did to use against me in court or at the asylum and catching what I thought were glimpses of them peeking around doorways and through the blinds.

But I'm feeling much better now.  wink

[feels good to have typed all that out for once]

What were some features of 1.1 that are different from now?  I can't seem to find the manual anywhere online to get a description.

Saskrotch wrote:

did you start having nightmares like i did?

I don't think I had nightmares but I definitely "hallucinated" the Shadow Man coming for me while I lay in bed with my PSP and all the lights off.  tongue

When saskrotch first posted on his blog about this i burned up about 7 nights in a row just roaming around in the game and looking for freaky shit.  It's really a cool experience.


(8 replies, posted in Releases)

Growing stronger every day.  Happy 50th, chimps!  wink

@Orin - BW's expectations are all out of whack.  This is one of the few chip related places that WILL call you out on, and does not encourage, subpar work. Which is why I favor it heavily. The text that was posted as an "article" has nothing new/interesting to offer and was poorly executed. We are not impressed and see no reason for more effort to be wasted on it. Fin.


(7 replies, posted in Releases)

Cool!  I'll have to get my emulator properly configured so I can experience these genuine chip tracks!  wink

Art style is wicked!


(16 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

Maybe the simplest thing to do is to email Oliver at [email protected] and explain your problem and see if he will just send you the apk.  Worth a try.  Be sure to show proof of purchase in some way.


(16 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

theghostservant wrote:
Graustufe wrote:

On iOS nanoloop seems to be an iphone exclusive app. Maybe it´s the same on android & you just can´t download the app on a tablet.

I feel like egr has mentioned he has used manoloop on the ipadthai

I've used it on my Nook Color running Cyanogenmod which is currently built on Android 4.2.2 (I think).  That error seems weird, is this with the Play app or through the browser?

Yay!  Gonna catch the stream for sure.

yay thanks!