Reteris wrote:

Shape theory
Fuck sound

option 2 but change the second font, fixedsys?


(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Make drum beats in ntrq or Famicom Music Sequencer?


(40 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

jefftheworld wrote:

Yeah, this was a crazy necro.

On a related note, I always bring my netbook with my .sav backups so I can restore them if anything goes wrong.  I suppose not everyone has a laptop they can bring with them.  Perhaps building an arduino based device that could link a flash drive and a cartridge and restore data.  Or an Atari ST program!


Or just bring a mmc.

Are you aiming to play any shows or anything while youre over here?

And the yellow one should work with the 64M EMS carts, I use one regularly with mine.

trash80 wrote:

Mega memory cart is good for solo gameboy backups.

^This has saved my ass a few times. A MMC with a resent sav and a spare cart is something i always bring with me when I play live.

OT: Where and when are you going to sweden?

Also what color is the MMC?

Play guitar along with it.


(47 replies, posted in Trading Post)

IAYD wrote:

Save one for me.

This! And also do want patches!


(6 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Or you could just leave and never come back?


(101 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Comment removed.



(18 replies, posted in Releases)

Failotrons twitter wrote:

Spring Semester EP release day delayed to october 12th. sorry for making all wait, the new version will make up for this. promise


(18 replies, posted in Releases)

Rico Z wrote:

looking forward to this one.



(41 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

infradead wrote:

thing i don't like is that nanovoice / nanoloop need transport commands so that i have to be using something with a start stop when using my lsdjmc2

sucks to have to drag a drum machine just for midi clock / transport hmm

Not sure I follow. If you want nanoloop and nanovoice to sync with each other why not use a ordinary link cable? And if you want to sync them with midi clock you need something that produces a midi clock signal, like a drummachine (just as you said).
nanoloop doesnt require a midi start/stop, it only needs midi clock. And if you want to sync nanoloop to an external clock without bringing a drummachine along then maybe somthing like the MCG would be more suitable.

But as I said Im not quite sure I understood what you meant with your post smile

Also I am not sure how lsdjmc2 handles nanoloop sync.

bleo wrote:

I still think someone should write a song merger tool.  I think it's totally doable and would come in handy for transitioning songs for realz. Do it, Nick!

^ This! This and this and forever this!