(41 replies, posted in General Discussion)

chunter wrote:

I appreciate the feel of the physical goods, but having once owned over 1000 records, cassettes, and CDs, I'm thankful for digital and I realize I don't sit and listen often enough to look back. Tl;dr- the shit takes up too much space.

Word. I'm towards the end of getting rid of all of my vinyl, and I can't wait until it's all gone. It takes up so much space.


(90 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

infradead wrote:

We could have saved over $100.00 per unit if we do like most and ship the whole thing over seas, but we prefer a hand crafted approach.  Each unit will be signed and numbered by us as we take immense pride in our work. This will make an excellent Christmas gift as we are hoping to ship in time for the holiday season this year.

so they're going with the more labor intensive process rather than SMT? 

so they're 100$ more expensive on purpose.

ok...  more expensive is good

Yeah, because none of us would have wanted to save at least $100 on a $280 unit. hmm


(61 replies, posted in General Discussion)

herr_prof wrote:

Are we going to use internal scene dick relativity for the judging?

My tiredness-based dyslexia changed this around to judging nativity scene of dicks.

New porn name - Dick Nativity. I'll come down your chimney.

What's happening now?


(41 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I was right into vinyl, but I've increasingly went digital. I'd rather have the space, and it's more convenient and saves me a load of money.

Also as an artist, I don't like making physical products. There was a Sycamore Drive 7''. Never again. So much hassle/cost.


(29 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I remembered that Turtle413 created a .doc file that was useful, but the server it was on is dead.

All that we really need is for someone to whip up a single-page template for patches (black ink only please, either 1 or 2 patches per page), then if you print them out double sided, you can either punch holes in them or stick them in poly-pockets in an A4 folder. You can then get some dividers to separate your patches into Pulse/Wave/Noise/Drums or whatever categories you use. That way, you'll never really run out of space.

That's what I used to do, anyway.

(Design wise, I think the box for the shape of the WAV should be like squared paper so you can accurately draw the WAV by hand onto the sheet of paper).


(29 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Russellian wrote:

Though it would be a shit ton more work, developing a simple app for phones would be nice, but that's a whole other can of worms.

This already exists. Search for the app LSDJ Patch Book.

http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/lsdj-pat … 65867?mt=8

Someone in NYC should definitely get involved with this. It's a really fun, interesting lecture.


(8 replies, posted in Releases)

Fantastic. Possibly your best work yet.

0:00-0:30 is my song smile

http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Sycam … s/02_Kicks


(34 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

From now on, EMS carts will now be known as FNT kartz.

That should buy us some time.


(34 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Someone should write to them explaining chiptune. We come in peace!

SubWooferSpecial wrote:

This would be a great idea and one I could really benefit from especially since at the moment I'm unable to transfer any of my data from my cart to my computer. Yay 64-bit Windows 7 driver problems!

Are you installing the 64-bit drivers properly?

http://www.hkems.com/files/EMSlink/64bi … _Guide.pdf

(links above taken from kitsch's website - http://store.kitsch-bent.com/product/usb-64m-smart-card )

There is a mistake on the Bigcartel URL on your album art image.


(208 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

PolarBirds wrote:

Even though it's rare to find gems and awfully time consuming. That's why the system was great. And face it, there is a sense to music that we all can agree on and regard as a technical standard for the better or the worse. Get off your high horses and stop spitting the public in the face wink

It's very rare for me to listen to music over here since I have other sites that I find more "giving" music-wise. I mainly lurk the forums here since they are the best and the most entertaining (like this post). I know that I benefited from the chartsystem and it gave me some extra motivation to push my boundaries. With that said, this is probably not the place for a chart-system as stated before. heart

There is nothing stopping the users that want a chart system from populating somewhere like ucollective and posting here too. Rather than haphazardly integrate an all-in-one website that pleases no-one, why don't you start taking advantage of the things different chip communities have to offer?

I think it'd make sense to just close this thread now with a link to ucollective saying, if you want charts, go here.

It's cool getting all of these insights into other chip communities. I wish that we'd taken the opportunity to do something similar a year or two ago when the Scottish scene was at its strongest (imo, others may disagree).


(208 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

People actually use the music uploading thing? I'd back getting rid of it. It seems like an unnecessary expense for the people that run the site when artists could be just posting soundcloud links in the releases section.