(52 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I know many people are probably with me on this...
but I paid the minimum amount for LSDJ.



Ah crap, I saw "Music On: Electronic keyboard" and though that was it and downloaded it sad

Now I'll actually have to buy some more DSi points to get this when it comes out. The points I had before came with the ds.

10k wrote:

I got this for you.

I got this one for you:


(11 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Nanodrone wrote:

There ain't 1.4 *thick face*

May I ask what happened to version 1.4?

Can't wait to see the project. They are always so amazing big_smile


(21 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I might check it out if I have time.

Should be stored somewhere in the rom header right?


(5 replies, posted in Releases)

How can I not download this when I see such an awesome album cover tongue


(55 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

Kool Skull wrote:
Emar wrote:

How about elaborating on this? tongue

okay so Im probably way out of it, but what is this?

It's a dingoo, a small console that can run lgpt.

SAMWAVE wrote:
TmTgr wrote:

Any link cable should be fine, unless you want to have the lsdjmc2 use the dmg's power. In that case you will need to use a cable with a +5V line, such as the DMG-07, or swap pins around in another cable. There's some info here about the cable pinouts smile

Cjeers TmTgr :L your info has re-assured me :L

My LSDJMC2 is gunna be battery powered so any cable should be fine then?

Thanks :]

Yep as long as you can trade pokemons on it it should be fine smile


(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Or you could just output a voltage from the atmega into a voltage controlled oscillator, and that voltage into another oscillator...
And you can have your own modular analog synth with midi big_smile


(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Looks great. Should'nt be too hard to make with an arduino.

Any link cable should be fine, unless you want to have the lsdjmc2 use the dmg's power. In that case you will need to use a cable with a +5V line, such as the DMG-07, or swap pins around in another cable. There's some info here about the cable pinouts smile


(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Great big_smile


(50 replies, posted in LittleGPTracker)

T-t-triple post!
Oh wait he edited that last one so he does know how to edit..

Did you ground the unused address pins on your rom chip?