(23 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

It's speculation and hype because it just so happens to appear briefly in this Aira video so people are getting hopeful that Roland is going to bring it back.


(23 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Victory Road wrote:

i didn't think the 303 used the moog ladder filter

anyway if these are gonna be VA you might as well just use d16's excellent VST emulations

I'm paraphrasing information from a longtime 303 owner, if anything it's just nitpicking because the clones are so accurate that it doesn't even matter and literally nobody would know the difference especially after post.  At the same time I can imagine that people would legitimately throw a fit a Roland for not doing a 100% reproduction of the original specs.


(23 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

The 303 will never actually come back, the closest you're ever going to probably get is a x0xb0x unless Roland can make some sort of deal to use Moog's patented filter which they stole until Moog's patent actually went through (which is my main understanding why they haven't brought back an authentic rebuild despite the demand).


(3 replies, posted in Releases)

hell yes, kommisar is da man

motherfucking ceephax

a+ high quality product fast shipping would buy again


(70 replies, posted in General Discussion)

bcuz i lost my virginity 2 family music

ymck ft. boaconstructor


(25 replies, posted in Releases)

so goooooooooooooooood that pk love remix kills me every time :^ )


(17 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

dont be boring

use everything for everything


(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)

about 99% of my songs start off as an initial loop and I just build on it, my main melodies being pretty much written up on the spot in one sitting

if you listen to any of my tracks you can kinda tell since they all start with a repeating line heh


(42 replies, posted in General Discussion)

dude just lay some notes down that sound good and u got it dude gl hf


(68 replies, posted in Trading Post)

hungry for that 1.3 sent you a message on fb big_smile


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Surprising how many of you share your savs and stuff, a lot of the people I talk to guard their shit like dragons on a gold pile


(1,206 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

hurr hurrrrr

holy shit what a lineup