(12 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I have some high quality one-hit samples from my own personal 606 and 707 if interested


(6 replies, posted in Releases)

hell yes hell yes hell yes


(20 replies, posted in Releases)

jesus chris


(20 replies, posted in Releases)

holy shit

this is fucking my shit up


(16 replies, posted in Trading Post)

so ez 2 fix


(82 replies, posted in Trading Post)

yellow PIL are so pretty ;_; but I don't need another one ugh


(11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I tried to rit dye a clear case once and it DID NOT WORK.  I can't tell if the shot is weird or the case is slightly wonky from warping.

I just want an atomic purple DMG :<


(25 replies, posted in Trading Post)

dang hit me up when you got like 3 I need some so badly it hurts


(97 replies, posted in General Discussion)

roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll roll


(6 replies, posted in Trading Post)

pm sent~


(97 replies, posted in General Discussion)

defPREMIUM wrote:
snesei wrote:

Nah, Detroit

oh sry,
by detroit he means dramacore

who even are you


(12 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Alpine wrote:
The One Electronic wrote:

Composing music, like any art, takes focus, time, and practice.  Lots of practice.  Just because you know how use a paintbrush doesn't mean you're Salvador Dali.  It seems like a common misconception with electronic music, especially chiptunes, is that it's soooo easy to put together since all you gotta do is program all the parts in. 

Come up with tunes in your head and try your best to transcribe what you imagine.  Pick a song you really like and try to recreate it.  Think about the tones you want.  Think about what you're trying to convey and what you want others to feel.  Don't like what you came up with? Then scrap it, don't stress.  The important thing is honing that skill until it feels very natural.  Before you know it you'll develop the kind of sound you want smile

I like this piece of advice a lot better that your last one, I'm pretty sure you recommended that someone should learn "jazz music theory"

haha oh man I was being facetious as shit dude


(13 replies, posted in Releases)

Best chip release of 2013


(12 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Composing music, like any art, takes focus, time, and practice.  Lots of practice.  Just because you know how use a paintbrush doesn't mean you're Salvador Dali.  It seems like a common misconception with electronic music, especially chiptunes, is that it's soooo easy to put together since all you gotta do is program all the parts in. 

Come up with tunes in your head and try your best to transcribe what you imagine.  Pick a song you really like and try to recreate it.  Think about the tones you want.  Think about what you're trying to convey and what you want others to feel.  Don't like what you came up with? Then scrap it, don't stress.  The important thing is honing that skill until it feels very natural.  Before you know it you'll develop the kind of sound you want smile


(168 replies, posted in General Discussion)

yo wat up kewl


(11 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Also blue is slightly higher than the rest (with the exception of white) because it's Europe only.  So honestly it's generally worth more to mostly the Western hemisphere due to its lack of availability.  I'd say this is a pretty reasonable price as I've seen them go for $100+ at times.