I've dropped my GBs a couple times with visible or audible damage. Any stories of hardcore wipe-outs or even minor wipe-outs that resulted in damage to your precious instrument?

Also, could minor falls/drops effect the sound at all?

Thanks for the advice!

I just bought one of these things. The thing is, it won't turn off.

Would it be alright for me to just ungplug it from the adapter each time I want to shut it off? Any real damage?


(16 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

nitro2k01 wrote:

Terbografx: Did this happened when you loaded the songs, or could it happen anytime?

Timbob: Sounds like something the value for global transpose or some instrument transpose. Either you did it accidentally, or there was a glitch. (Those happen...)

It happened randomly on a couple boots. Rebooting always fixed it.


(16 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I don't get them anymore (mostly when I first got it a year ago), but have any of you played a song in LSDJ only to have almost every single note/sound play completely wrong or scrambled? The first couple of times scared the hell out of me...then I just found it hilarious.

kineticturtle wrote:

Ghettoboy is gone, greyboy back off hold. CZ-1000 on hold for a local buyer.

Works/sounds beautifully and received in 2 days. From the bay to LA, Game Boys all day.

Thx Matt!

nickmaynard wrote:
Terbografx wrote:

That's not a bad idea. smile

I'm looking to get at least 6 or 8. I've been thinking about using my SNES advantage stick to trigger samples via Reason (max/msp or just key syncs)...but it'd be more fun with Lickshot haha.

email me a zip file of the samples at [email protected] and i'll mod lickshot for you.

Dude, that would be awesome! You honestly don't have to, but if you end up doing it in your spare time, I wouldn't mind since I'd love to see what you did to the source code haha.

I'll send you the .wav as well as the dcms. Thanks, man.

nickmaynard wrote:

you could learn 6502 assembly and just modify lickshot to have more samples.

how many samples do you need?

That's not a bad idea. smile

I'm looking to get at least 6 or 8. I've been thinking about using my SNES advantage stick to trigger samples via Reason (max/msp or just key syncs)...but it'd be more fun with Lickshot haha.

Okay...well I can't seem to open up two Nestopias.

Rouwe wrote:

No, two windows of the same emulator.

Will try now. smile

(Technically this would've been the logical first step...but for some reason I didn't think I'd be able to control two simultaneously. Will be back with results).

Subway Sonicbeat wrote:

you could always open two emulator running lickshot, right?

Hmm...as in...two different emulators?

Like...One nestopia/one Jnes?

Let's say I want to mess with two different compiled versions of Lickshot. Would there be a way to do so simultaneously.


Is there such thing as a DCM sampler or some VST plug-in for a DAW to have multiple NES-driven samples at my command other than recording each one as a .wav?

Any info would help. Just trying to bulk up my live set-up without resorting to Reason or Ableton. smile

nickmaynard wrote:

i always assumed it was less about dusty contacts and more about the position of the contacts. like, it's more about taking the cartridge out and putting it back in, in a slightly different spot, and not about the blowing.

since i did the lockout chip mod, every cart works perfectly the first time for me.

I did the lockout chip mod and it works perfectly! Although, sometimes games need a little 1cm of repositioning after being turned on. Is this typical?

Games like Star Tropic work without any repositioning.

kineticturtle wrote:

whatcha gon' do wit it?

Tell...the future!

Nah, but now that I have another DMG, I'm probably going to start modding my old one once I my soldering skills are up to par.  The clearboy is just something I've always wanted to have in general. I also just might get another EMS cart + a mixer and start messing with 2 at a time (It's just not the same with a GB Color as a dedicated Muddygb or Electric Drum unit).

The possibilities are endless!

Good condition. Did I get a good deal?


(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Nice. smile