(15 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Save 4 cycles: ld hl, expoTable -> ld h,expoTable>>8


(15 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Table lookup will win hands down in terms of cycle count, since calculating note frequencies involves several very costly mathematical operations.
Expanding the table to 512 bytes will help squeeze a few more cycles, if needed. Generally the idea is to split low and high bytes of the lookup values, and align each table to a 256 byte border, so you can directly translate the indices, like so

   ld h,table_base_lo_bytes>>8
   ld l,a     ; set index
   ld c,(hl)   ; load lo-byte
   ld h,table_base_hi_bytes>>8   ; or just inc h if hi-byte lut follows on next page
   ld b,(hl)    ; load hi-byte, frequency divider now in BC

Did a talk on computer music history at the Vintage Computing Festival Berlin last weekend. I'm covering the era from the beginnings of the digital age up the mid 1960s. Mostly 1-bit and AM RFI stuff. Enjoy: https://media.ccc.de/v/vcfb18_-_90_-_en … ames_-_utz

Sound examples are cut from the recording for copyright reasons, but you can find them linked in the 1-bit music timeline if you're curious.


(15 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

What exactly do you want to do? Sounds like you're trying to generate note frequency dividers. If that's the case I'd definately recommend using a lookup table. It's gonna cost you 512 bytes at most.

Otherwise, just ld a,n, add a,a, rotate the carry into another register, rinse and repeat.


(25 replies, posted in Audio Production)

Y'all got nuttin on me. I'm more post than the Royal Mail!


(114 replies, posted in General Discussion)

BLEO wrote:

Is it future or is it past?

https://groups.google.com/d/msg/lsdj/id … e0fuxwPKEJ

and BLEO wins the thread


(25 replies, posted in Releases)



(114 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I dunno about the internals of chiptune=win, but hey, let's hear it for facebook-walled gardens!
https://www.cnbc.com/2018/09/05/faceboo … d-app.html


(9 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Sharp PC-1403 big_smile

Also, I used this weird thing called Gameboy once. Man, that was freaky!


(7 replies, posted in Releases)

Hey, got some great tracks on there. Always nice to hear something a bit out of the ordinary.


(11 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Thanks for the pix, Pix Retro!


(11 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Oh yeah, I'd be interested in those pictures as well. Everybody keeps saying the Cheetah sucks, but well... there's no way of knowing of knowing for sure except trying to use one, eh?


(9 replies, posted in Releases)

Oh hell yeah. This is, like, the definition of RAW.


(2 replies, posted in Releases)

Fantastic release! I can hardly understand 10% of the lyrics with my crappy French but it rocks all the same big_smile

Using tilem2. Recent Windoze build is here: http://tilem.sourceforge.net/beta/tilem … 161022.exe
Most *nixers can get it through their package manager (might be outdated though) or build from source:

svn checkout https://tilem.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/tilem/trunk tilem

There's also wabbitemu. I don't like it, but seems to work well for other ppl yikes

MWAHAHA Nobody expects the Spanish Inq... I mean a new HoustonTracker release. But here it is!

And here's a quick demo tune: https://soundcloud.com/irrlicht-project … r-230-demo

Download the new version at https://github.com/utz82/HoustonTracker2/releases.

Full list of changes:

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