i don't have any gigs for you but you should ask for help on this site: http://www.musiques-incongrues.net


(69 replies, posted in General Discussion)

e.s.c. wrote:

... people like me who simple cant bother to go back to 8bc to post tracks, i save the random tracks for here, cause i like the quality of people here better smile

ah cool, was starting to think i'm the only one who doesn't post his tracks on both sites


(1 replies, posted in Atari)

wow, looks like i might be in slovakia quite often this year wink


(69 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Decktonic wrote:

Look at us talking about this and not actually visiting the music section.


i'll probably be there wink

and hey tinctu, it's very nice of you to post all this great and useful information. this site needs more people like you.


(15 replies, posted in Releases)

fucking craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzyyyyyyyy!!!!


(2 replies, posted in Releases)

more people need to listen to this!


(47 replies, posted in Releases)



(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

yodelcore? fuckyess!!!!

oh btw how come rg is anti-facebook now? in any case i welcome that move!


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

@lazerbeat correct!

@all yes this software RULEZ!!! and it's quit useful for making (fake)chip as well.


(2 replies, posted in Past Events)

what a fucking crazy party!!!! ... but you misspelled my name sad


(16 replies, posted in Collaborations)

yeah, thanx again for timing this so perfectly that i had no chance to participate!


(16 replies, posted in Collaborations)

fuckyes jellica on zx beeper that would be awesome


(4 replies, posted in Releases)

B-Hack & Berlin.HQ present:

MISTER BEEP - The LOwest FIdelity

Download here

01. MISTER BEEP - Horace's Adventure
02. MISTER BEEP - The 90s have never come here!
03. MISTER BEEP - Binary Universe
04. MISTER BEEP - Press the corresponding number
05. MISTER BEEP - The game is over
06. MISTER BEEP - Romantic Central Processing Unit
07. MISTER BEEP - Pacman will eat you alive!
08. MISTER BEEP - One Bit Sound
09. MISTER BEEP - In the Mystic Woods
10. irrlicht project - L'autre valse d'Amélie (BONUS TRACK)
11. irrlicht project - Another Music Studio Hit (BONUS TRACK)

Total time: 21:52

The 90s have never come here! smile

ZX Spectrum 48K is a home-computer made in United Kingdom and released by Sinclair Research LTD in 1982 (its American/Portuguese version – Timex Computer 2048 – has been released in 1984). The machines were very popular in Europe and not only. Their monophonic sound generator is 1-bit quality only.
This time I decided to keep Spectrum’s the most oldschool sound (no 8 channels, no software volumes nor envelopes etc) to remind people – and to myself – how it sounded in 80s. So you should rather treat this album more like a micromusic sound experiment than like real music. wink

For the purpose mentioned above, only 80s music-editors has been used while making my music.
The songs are really oldschool 2-channels chiptunes with 1-bit quality of sound (no envelopes, no volumes even). Generated by Z80 chip, played through ULA chip and recorded from real hardware.

MISTER BEEP's website
B-HACK Netlabel


(8 replies, posted in Releases)

oh shiiiiii... the ninetiez are bAkkKk!!!!! amazing sound quality, did you do special sample pre-processing or something?


(7 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)

great stuff! choreography of the edward shallow vs the creator part is cool, too.