as far as i understand it, it's just a rough joke by the netlabel itself. but if you experience any actual harm you should complain to the owner of the site, which is Kodek. i'm sorry if anybody had trouble because of this.
754 Jun 28, 2010 1:44 pm
Re: [ZX SPECTRUM 48K] Help a noob, plox. (cc needed) (18 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)
I've just done a song using Phaser1. (for a compilation, so it is a secret and you cant hear it
well i think i will force you to let me listen to it VERY SOON
755 Jun 28, 2010 1:13 pm
Re: BUG: PM tries to send on pressing ENTER without CTRL (3 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)
hmm, i think that's true for most logins or search functions, but for board/pm systems? i don't believe so. besides, why would anyone want to click into one of these 2 fields after composing the message and then press enter to send if you can just click on the send button? for keyboard users it doesn't make sense either because you'd have to hit tab a million times to get back to these fields, or press some weird shit like shift+tab+backspace.
in short, if someone presses ENTER in either the to or subject field, it's most likely to have been an accident, and should result in either no action or behave like TAB.
but if i'm mistaken then never mind.
756 Jun 28, 2010 1:19 am
Topic: Great ZX Spectrum Demo(s) (14 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)
just had to post this for no particular reason other than that i think it's beautiful.
actually it's quite old, made in 2005 by CyberPunks Unity & inward, yet i believe not so many people have seen it.
757 Jun 28, 2010 12:07 am
Re: Net-Label List (82 replies, posted in General Discussion)
(link removed and is getting checked out by admins)
ed: since it's unlikely that the link goes back up, for those of you still interested, we are talking about DEXANDTHECITY netlabel. just google it if you're not afraid of hoax viruses.
758 Jun 27, 2010 10:01 pm
Topic: BUG: PM tries to send on pressing ENTER without CTRL (3 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)
on composing a pm, if i accidentally press ENTER while cursor is in either the "To" or "Subject" fields, the board system tries to send the message. (using firefox on ubuntu)
may not actually be a bug but it's quite confusing since the tooltip over "SEND" reads "CTRL+ENTER".
759 Jun 21, 2010 12:49 am
Re: [CDK 047] V/A - The Square Wave Conspiracy (8 replies, posted in Releases)
finally got around to listening to this epic piece of awesomeness. 'tis awesome. and epic. and so on. outstanding job, guys!
760 Jun 20, 2010 6:04 pm
Re: A new platform GAME with MISTER BEEP's music (1 replies, posted in General Discussion)
fuck yeah! this will be great for the music alone. will check it out tonight. screenshot looks great already.
761 Jun 20, 2010 6:01 pm
Re: "ANOTHER" BY TEN THOUSAND FREE MEN & THEIR FAMILIES (44 replies, posted in Releases)
did you say FEIER ???
anyway. what can i say. the ACEness of this release simply can't be put into words.
762 Jun 14, 2010 7:00 pm
Re: What happened to crunchyCo?? (22 replies, posted in General Discussion)
seems i've missed part of the story? maybe someone could elaborate...
763 Jun 14, 2010 11:36 am
Re: nes theremin with uforce controller! (19 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)
ohhh my gawwwwd uforce theremin action thats funking amazing guys!
/me goesandshitspants
764 Jun 14, 2010 11:31 am
Re: What happened to crunchyCo?? (22 replies, posted in General Discussion)
and nothing of value was lost
i wouldn't exactly say that, but it sure was a hell of a mess of a site. and half of the announced releases never saw the light of day.
doesn't anyone remember who used to run this site?
765 Jun 13, 2010 4:37 pm
Re: Arkos Tracker - CPC/Spectrum/MSX cross-platform tracker (3 replies, posted in Other Vintage Computers & Consoles)
an interesting project. but i don't think i will install .net framework again (i just successfully purged it from my laptop to free some valuable hard disk space) since the program doesn't support sid sounds nor buzzer, nor does it play samples. i will wait for a stable release.
ps: it will only be cool if it supports viterbi-search-transformed pcm on msx
766 Jun 13, 2010 4:31 pm
Re: 1-bit music news blog (7 replies, posted in General Discussion)
this great news. i was hoping someone would start a project like this.
hopefully i'll be able to contribute to it in the future.
also, to my knowledge this is the first website dedicated to all 1bit music related issues, not only speccy-related. and that alone makes it a great idea. you have my full support for this one.
767 Jun 9, 2010 9:21 pm
Re: BBC article on chipmusic (21 replies, posted in General Discussion)
okok, i admit i was somewhat over the top in my jugdement, sorry for that. i still believe his 1bit projects are overrepresented though, i mean he's by far not the only one delving into this category, there are for example the excellent synth designs by noah vawter, the people who do speccy beeper music, pc speaker music, ... but none of this stuff shows up on the first 5 pages of google results. just saying
also i'm very concerned about commercialization tendencies within the chipmusic scene in general, cause i believe art should be available to everyone. let's not start another fight about this topic - of course there will always be artists who see the need to make some money out of their art, and that's ok. but there also need to be people like me who openly critisize these kind of things. so instead of more promotion for tristan's stuff i would have liked to see a bbc article about some "ordinary" gameboy kid, telling a message to people of "hey, that's not some fancy high-class thing, that's something i could try".
not trying to justify my rash words, just trying to explain my perspective on things.
oh and sorry for successfully derailing this thread.
768 Jun 9, 2010 4:59 pm
Re: BBC article on chipmusic (21 replies, posted in General Discussion)
herr_prof, i don't mind you posting it on your blog, of course it's a very interesting and cool project and therefore it actually needs to be on your blog.
what i mean is... forget it. just google "1 bit music" - isn't there something very wrong with the results? i mean he's spammed about every goddamn music-related platform on the web. if you want to find out anything about 1bit music that's not related to his work, you actually have to type "1bit music -tristan -perich". and i think "new media self promoting hack" is actually a pretty fitting term in this case.