Nice Christmas Gift ♫

Lil' Push right there. Nice.
Deadline got pushed a 'lil bit later. And that gives everybody awesome extratime to make a even cooler song. That's great.
And over here, we gonna move to another place and find a new operation base in the meantime.
A cooler Location means more cool stuff we can do. I guess.

Victory Road wrote:

it doesn't really matter to me since i pretty much exclusively browse the front page

Front Page is King.

Kinda pushing it up for Christmas.
Picture not Christmas releated. But motivating for the Holidays. Kinda.

Okay, my Cart is a fcking troll.
After Cartridge test i got one blank tune but the .lsdngs are all working. Nice.


so i'm just writing on this Killertrack and want to look into another tune . While loading the "Don't Panic" message appeared and i had to restart the cart like 3x.
Now it showed the Cartridge Test Screen, which i didn''t let finished cause i panic'd :I

Anyway is there still a chance of recovery? My last backup was a couple days ago so i would lost like 2 h of work.

aaroneow wrote:

I submitted my track via email!

Got it.
Keep 'em coming, folks.


(33 replies, posted in General Discussion)


Oh great.
Well about the pricing we are not 100% sure. But it will be the average cassette price i guess. Max. 8 USD but i think we will be under this.

Yeah, and every artist who is unfortune enough to end up on this will get one of course. Make sense, i guess.

Jay Tholen wrote:

nice stickers.
also, that logo is REALLY COOL LOOKING.
who did it? they must be really really good

also, I'm in. tho not for the near future, I'm pretty busy

Thanks, i guess there also will be different designs in the future. Currently also trying out other sizes.
That Guy who makes this Point & Click Clown Game, called "Dropsy" pixel'd that.
You might wanna check out his campaign (KICKSTARTER ) and throw some cash at him.
He seems to know what he's doing. Yeah.

And i guess this is not going the be the last mixtape. Well, it is, atleast for some time. Maybe a year or less. I dunno.

cyberic wrote:

Great idea!
Did you receive my PM?

Saw it, read it and reply'd!

So, in Case you haven't seen this topic - I pushed it up again.

"Tough guys say SharkPeople Records."
Nice one, Google.


(1,620 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Sticker Swag.
The other Main GameBoy will be the Blooperboy 2.0, tomorrow at CHIP HITS THE FAN

If the Bleepdrum and Nebulophone get avaiable again, i will take it.

PleaseLoseBattle wrote:

Also very interested in your project ! Great initiative ! I also feel like putting some tunes on a physical support might do good around here.

Thanks. It's also planned, starting next year, to release various cassettes from different artist via the label. Along the Mixtapes, which will drop trough the year.
Information on that will all come after the first Mixtape.

Nice to see that we get some People who want to take part in this. It's all about the Tape Love.
I also added a little part for the style to the first post.

Best would be a .wav file. But if for some reason you can't get that to work just send me something.
One more thing about the style -> Anything freaking goes. It dosn't matter if you use LSDJ, nanoloop, Famitracker, milkytracker or a C64, well just about anything. If you can use a calculator to make 1-bit stuff, great - I can't, so give it a shot!
As longs as its sounds like Chiptunes (search "Chiptunes" with Google for various examples) you can show off what you got.

Yeah, i think there's nothing more to say. Just try to drop something till the deadline and we will see where it will goes.