(3 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Excellent! Happy sequencing smile


(3 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Have you selected mouse input within Sequencer? It needs to be manually activated, MSSIAH doesn't detect the mouse automatically. You can select it from the menu using the keyboard or, better yet, hold down the Commodore key while you select 'Sequencer' from the main menu - that way the mouse will be active as soon as Sequencer loads.

If you've already done that, I believe there are buttons on the Micromys that need to be in the right place for C64 use. If you've done that too then I give up.

INST/DEL presents a night of chip/electro/8-bit featuring:

Nordloef (Sweden) - Electronic punk-pop Game Boy hero hits Edinburgh as part of his 2013 European tour! Do not miss this.

HarleyLikesMusic (Sheffield) - Impossible beats & bass conjured from a Nintendo DS.

The Tin Foil Hat Brigade (Liverpool) - Chip-punk dirt-poet will lift and shout until you pull the plug.

Comptroller (Edinburgh) - Thick Game Boy / C64 crunch grooves and bad noise.

Bubu (Dundee) - Tuneful & insistent LSDJ rhythms will win your heart.

Free entry! Saturday 9th February, 11pm-3am, Banshee Labyrinth.

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/106916876144700/

Bit Face:

https://www.facebook.com/pages/BIT-FACE … 07?fref=ts

Saskrotch gave some good chipbreak advice in this thread: http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/6203/ … chipbreak/

Amazing stuff. Thanks for the stream, guys smile

Man, this is great. In places it barely even sounds like SID music - really original sounds & composition. Nice work!


Excellent night! Thanks for the videos.

Did the battery run out before the comedy Paper Dolls sing-along? Clip ends early sad

calmdownkidder wrote:



(41 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

I also endorse the Roland Microcube for busking purposes. Plus it gives me an excuse to post this:


(30 replies, posted in Releases)

I've been listening to this a lot but hadn't gotten around to posting yet. As above - it is awesome, download now & live forever.

5 copies left, btw.

Also enjoying the Neurobit action in this thread.


(30 replies, posted in General Discussion)

This uses LGPT (mainly SNES instrument samples) & C64, via MSSIAH + piggy=>midi.

Sycamore Drive wrote:

Also, a Scottish chiptune artist putting out a C64-sampled limited lathe-cut clear record with 2 tracks on it? Where have I heard of something like that before? tongue

No samples here, just direct C64 abuse [edit: actually wait... there are some]. But yeah, there is a precedent! 10k did it before as well. I guess we are all just cool guys?  cool


(9 replies, posted in General Discussion)


Still trying to organize something on July 13th, but we have to do this in a different venue then our usual one (they are closed that weekend due to vacation) so it's tricky. Kodek is in The Netherlands as well that weekend smile

This would be great. Fingers crossed.

Feryl wrote:

When's the next album, son?

Something will be appearing very soon...