do it!!


the copperbars in that panoramic design demo are pretty cool~ i don't know why i still find raster bars impressive but i do smile also it has cool music

kjell nordboe stuff and that one in particular are a bit morbid now, aren't they sad
i'm not a fan of all his music but some of it is incredibly cool

cowspin is funny, i saw that before smile
and catalog is just great! saw that one too


i like the music and the concept, but the mspaint scribble style artwork ruins the atmosphere a bit sad

it reminds me of knytt a lot

hey i will show you some of my favourite cool things that are related to chiptunes

and then you can show me yours

c64 demo on csdb:

8 bit demo on youtube:

many zx spectrum demo from ages ago:

a music software for the jupiter ace:


(617 replies, posted in Releases)

4mat wrote:

this is what I'm working on.



(617 replies, posted in Releases)

no that would be stupid.

i'm ant1 and i think i have an album of commodore 64 music coming quite soon! stay tuned


(617 replies, posted in Releases)

i'm being proactive
let's see if this works

inform us of your upcoming releases here!

well i open the tracker and then i just sort of know which keys to press. maybe from having pressed the same keys before and knowing what it will sound like? i don't compose it in my head first but on the other hand i don't just press randomly either.

i have no idea really

but if all else fails, turn fasttracker to PC SPEAKER MODE smile

(edit: or use IT)

Auxcide wrote:

people need a chance to showcase their sound.

you can showcase your sound by RELEASING MUSIC

not by starting threads about how you're about to release music

George wrote:

Nah. A stickied thread in the releases section for the kids to hype their shit in.
Every other place would be off-limits for "hype".

i like this but why does it have to be stickied

if people forget how to hype their stuff that's fine by me

edit: oops!

alternatively, a HYPE forum for actual HYPE

and a way of hiding/ignoring forums

i was hoping the music would be really bad so i could say "i agree" but the music was ok

that's the idea! smile

and also because one of my hobbies is fretting and stressing about the impermanence and transience of data on computers and on the internet - a lot of things DO get lost. my site is guaranteed to be online for maybe another year and a half or so, anyway-- it's not the ideal place for this, but someone has to do it

well the text based focus is not because i am some kind text fetishist, but because i don't have so much bandwidth or hosting space on my website. and as an archive i don't really want to just be posting links to stuff, that's not the point...

sorry guys sad

hi, i have started a project to archive chiptune tutorials and guides from around the web

there aren't that many at the moment, please suggest some (or write some, nudge nudge). i am only looking for tutorials and guides about writing music and operating chipmusic software. i do not want guides on how to mod a gameboy, for example. thanks.

also if you have web space i would really appreciate someone mirroring (at least), my website is not going to last forever.

thanks !