sweet deal!


(19 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

HimsyPimsy wrote:

Yeah, it's still emulated.  Even using a pro-sounded sgb wouldn't work, because the rom is dumped to the retron, and runs from there.

Has this been tested with a prosound SGB?


(19 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Thanks everyone!


(19 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

How's it going everyone. Haven't posted in a while.  I moved to Taiwan and have been living here for a year now.

I currently have a big screen TV with A/V inputs as well as a few other connections. I hooked up my NES and Super Famicom and they work, it's just that the screen resolution isn't great. Everything is pretty muddled. I'm not expecting anything stellar because it isn't a CRT. I currently don't have any space for a CRT at the moment, and I'm trying to find a better solution to my resolution issue.

I'm went through a ton of scenarios of what I could do, from RGB mods to getting a Framemeister.

I've come to the conclusion that getting a Retron 5 would be a good, one stop solution to play my NES/Famicom/Super Famicom/SNES carts instead of doing individual mods to each console for better video output.

Long story short, I wanted to know if LSDj will work via a Super Gameboy in the Retron 5. I will prosound mod the SGB.

Dire Hit wrote:

I have a roland cube street. I'm pretty happy with it.

With a Roland Cube, do you use a mixer for multiple gameboys? If you do, how do you power "portable" mixer?


(16 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Quality of prosound mod should also be noted.

I've had to repair a number of less than professional soldering, materials, and mod work over the years.


(4 replies, posted in Trading Post)

And the screens are bi-verted.


(4 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Made with love.

I think I have a copy of the cd that I can dropbox. I'll check after work.


(325 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

showyao wrote:

I also didn't receive GB303, I am from Taiwan.....

Dude!!! Where in Taiwan are you? I'm in Taichung.

Game Team: Okay bpozega, we're pretty much done with the programming. What's our projected budget for music?

bpozega: I'm thinking $0.

Game Team: How the hell are we going to hire musicians on $0?

bpozega: Don't worry, we'll get some chiptune artists to work for free advertisement. Bitches love free advertisement.


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

This was posted today.

Your thoughts?

If this is really happening, I really hope the guy that made them fixed a majority of the bugs that ran rampant in the initial release.

I think ASM Retro's flasher can flash 32m carts if you really need to.

Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the GB Smart 32M cart can really only be programmed via a Transferrer I or Transferrer II and you have to have a computer with a serial port.

I tried programming one before with a USB programmer, and I ran into the same issues as you. It says it erases the ROM/RAM and it "seems" like you can flash it, but in the end, it doesn't.

GB Smart 32M carts have been out of style for a long time. I suggest getting an EMS 64M USB Cart if you're tight on cash.


(84 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Koji-Kendo wrote:
JRodrigo wrote:

Hello again, it my own version of common programmable cartridge.


  • Memory mapper: MBC5 (w/ Battery backup)

  • ROM: 2MB (AM29F016)

  • SRAM: 128KB (UT621024)

That's awesome! Now where do I throw my money at...?

https://www.tindie.com/products/JRodrig … -gameboy-/