(24 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

friendofmegaman wrote:
katsumbhong wrote:

If it was multi-cell, and you know that they are in a parallel circuit, your question is redundant. Your question is pointless.

Yah as I said I'll manage on my own. Thanks for you help.



(24 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

friendofmegaman wrote:
katsumbhong wrote:


What? It's exactly what I wrote, and that's why I'm asking about the number of cells... Anyways I'll figure on my own, thanks, this discussion becomes pretty pointless.

If it was multi-cell, and you know that they are in a parallel circuit, your question is redundant. Your question is pointless.

Boddah, when do you think you'll have arduinoboy kits back in stock?

Jotie wrote:

Which mod fixes the button buzz, and which fixes the constant buzz?

I think I'm having a small language barrier problem here as well, so just to make sure: if English is your first language, would "buzz" be more often used to describe high-pitch noise or low-pitch noise? And what would "hum" be used for?

Also, just noting that Wizwars kind of said some related things at
http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/11287 … nd/page/4/

Wizwars did sound inversion on his tracks post production to cancel out the noise.

If you perform the mods through my DIY thread on this forum, you should not experience any noisiness from the GBC. It will be a clean output.


(24 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

friendofmegaman wrote:
katsumbhong wrote:

Unwrap the protective skin of the battery... carefully.

Why would you want to know if it's multiple batteries or not???

The important thing you need to know about them is output and how much capacity the unit has. The number of cells isn't important.

If it had a bazillion cells but had a low charge capacity, it wouldn't stack up to a battery with 1 or 2 cells with a higher charge capacity.

Well the reason I'm asking is that I want to hook it up with a usb charger and a protective circuit that prevents overcharging and overdischarging. This is necessary with li-on/po batteries otherwise the thing might heat up too much and damage the actual device it is powering. So I need to know do I need a protective board for a single cell or for 2 or more cells. It might be that the battery already has the protective board, but I it could by that all the protection is handled by DSi itself.

Now since it provides 3.7 volts it's either a single cell or a pack of cells in parallel.

PS I probably didn't state it clear but I'd like to install it in a game boy pocket, not SP.


Jotie wrote:

Second bad thing is a silent, yet annoying high pitch "buzz". It disappears when the music is busy, but  if you use a lot of silent moment in your tracks, it might be best to evade these things.
Third thing, and this might be just mine, but they give a low pitch buzz when touching the arrow buttons and the A and B buttons. This is kind of annoying when you're scrolling through a song (for live LSDJ'ing) or when you're selecting another song live. The song select buzz can be evaded by cross-fadering on the dj-mixer. But for live LSDJ'ing you have to roll with it (I have a few tracks with live LSDJ effects, but the buzz is "calculated"), or you have to evade doing things with your tracks live.

The noise filtering mod and bass mod fix the buzz and hum issue.


(1,485 replies, posted in Trading Post)

kitsch wrote:

have looked into it, but budget is a little tight.  if you can grab them from alibaba or some such, i'd suggest doing that atm.  there are more important things coming up that require the monies

Roger that!


(1,485 replies, posted in Trading Post)


Are you planning to carry any of Zerey Zhang's adapter cables for installing GBA SP screens into GBAs?


(24 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

friendofmegaman wrote:

I grabbed one from ebay just to check its size and how it'd fit a pocket ( since 2A is quite an impressive capacity). Turns out this is smaller than anything on batteryspace with the same capacity and requires minor modification of battery compartment (as opposed to completely removing it and even relocating some of the caps). The only question is - how do we know is it a single Li-Ion cell or several cells connected in parallel? Thanks!

Unwrap the protective skin of the battery... carefully.

Why would you want to know if it's multiple batteries or not???

The important thing you need to know about them is output and how much capacity the unit has. The number of cells isn't important.

If it had a bazillion cells but had a low charge capacity, it wouldn't stack up to a battery with 1 or 2 cells with a higher charge capacity.


(4 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I have a few green shells laying around, I think I have a red one as well.

Gbc with bass mod.

May not be the best of everything but it rates high in sound and cpu processing.

http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/14184 … oto-guide/


(32 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

I want to give money to this!


(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Go to school?


(24 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)




(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Re-do the modification.