(19 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Victory Road wrote:

do people get a stiffy when they act pompous about the search function or something? i don't get it

Apparently you don't get a lot of things.


(19 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Saskrotch wrote:

what year is it

The year the search function wasn't implemented.


(1 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Contact Tonight We Launch.

Lsdj -> Super Gameboy CPU

Anonymouse wrote:

I've bought 3 of these. I wish I read this first as I would have only bought one to test. Maybe try sticking an anti glare screen to dimple side to try to help diffuse the dimples. You could use one for an iPhone and cut it to size. I'll probably try this when I get home and try it oit

Can you report back with your findings once you have done some independent testing?

bitjacker wrote:

fucking troll.

Me or you?

bitjacker wrote:

Light will refract in a  mirage... how much heat can be generated above an lcd screen before its wrecked?

Is English your first language?

I messed around with using a potentiometer to dull down the light to see if it helps with the "washed out" effect in many different lighting conditions. At this point I have to say that it's the dimpled panel of the frontlight that is the culprit of the washing out more so than the strength of the LEDs.

Waiting to see if anyone tests any add-on products to the frontlight kit itself to see if that helps the situation.


(15 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Payment sent!

It's about to get real in Piggy!


(15 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Did you receive my pm?

Change the color scheme.


(15 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Sent you a PM.

I'm a d-bag on the internet. I'm sorry.

Try it and let us know.


(135 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Could you also add the gameboy soft case to my order?