(52 replies, posted in Trading Post)

It's in great condition.

It's all aluminum and just sits on my desk for my laptop.

The Silph Scope wrote:

Serious question. How old are you?

His poker page says he's 18, and that he's been working on his poker face since he was 12.

americasteam7 wrote:
DeerPresident wrote:

Couldn't have said it better myself.


I just remembered why I try to stay away from people who were born in the 90's.

americasteam7 wrote:
katsumbhong wrote:

-__-, Just buy LSDj.

And what if I don't? are you gonna think me a stupid jackass for not taking your advice?

No. I just think you are annoying.

americasteam7 wrote:
katsumbhong wrote:

He kinda made an apology for being dickish. I think we should lay off the kid now.

americasteam7, I'm assuming you're new to the modding scene or selling things to the internet in general because you're basing your pricing off what you got your parts for. It sounds like you overpaid on a few things and if you really are interested in selling the item, you're more than likely going to have to sell it at a loss. If you are familiar with sales at all, you will sometimes have to bite the bullet like that.

If it were me, I'd open it up again, prosound it, and keep it. Get a 64m cart with LSDj and make music.

You'd be saving money by keeping it, in the long run.

Your advice is noted bro. Dude Ive never seen a thread this awesome in my life! Have you?!

-__-, Just buy LSDj.


(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I was in the Marine Corps and when we would have to return items we were issued back to CIF, it had to be clean and without markings.

Simple Green is fucking magic!

I had sharpie'd my name on the inside of my kevlar helmet and had to get it off before returning it. Scotch-Brite pad and Simple Green got it all out.

*edit: Rub it out, rub all that sharpie out.

boaconstructor wrote:

we're making fun of you. stop.

He kinda made an apology for being dickish. I think we should lay off the kid now.

americasteam7, I'm assuming you're new to the modding scene or selling things to the internet in general because you're basing your pricing off what you got your parts for. It sounds like you overpaid on a few things and if you really are interested in selling the item, you're more than likely going to have to sell it at a loss. If you are familiar with sales at all, you will sometimes have to bite the bullet like that.

If it were me, I'd open it up again, prosound it, and keep it. Get a 64m cart with LSDj and make music.

You'd be saving money by keeping it, in the long run.


(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

A bottle of simple green and some good rubbing.

Good rubbing.

So I'm on NA and reading through americasteam7's thread. It is cray cray.

It's like he was raised by mean Armenian parents.


The Nintendoage Rejects.

americasteam7 wrote:

Hey should i buy this guise?
Could make one for $50, but no.

Man you guys are all a bunch of jerks!!! Nintendoage has civil people who love gaming. You guys take enjoyment in trying to ruin a guys reputation. Chipmusic is the worst forum site I have ever been apart of. I don't care if I get banned for this. Trying to sell an item in a free country and you guys chew me up. Man!

Kiss your mother with that mouth?!


(52 replies, posted in Trading Post)


You should all come to this.

TSC wrote:

How the fuck does this place repeatedly fall for the shenanigans of people with no avatars? 

"meat hear"

Are you all seriously bitching about a Game Boy? On eBay?

I'm bitching about people putting outrageous prices on their goods and trying to rip people off in the chiptune scene.


(3 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

To bounce off of kinetic,

If you drill the case and mount the RCAs in just the right spot, you won't have to cut the pcb, but that depends on the design of the specific RCAs themselves. It takes practice. If you have to shave the pcb, I recommend a rotary tool like a dremel with a sanding bit.

Wear eye protection and work in a well ventilated area.